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Posts posted by allybally

  1. I've been teaching sunbeams for a little over a year now. It's crazy. Accept that now. But just because it's crazy does not mean that it can't be a good class. Here are a couple things I do to keep it more interesting to the kids even without toys and snacks.

    Anything where the kids can pull something out of a bag is awesome. The kids all want a turn and it keeps things moving and changing. For instance this weeks lesson involves a bunch of pictures to discuss. Put them in a bag and let kids take a turn coming up to the front of the class and getting a picture to hold in front of the class. It takes up time and the kids are into it.

    Buy a pack or crayons and just keep it in your primary bag with your manual. The coloring page is probably the most exciting part for the kids. I get most of my coloring pages from they really do have something for almost every lesson. Also keep a stash of blank paper for when you forget to print out a coloring page.

    I have a bean bag that I also keep in my primary bag. At the end of class I toss each of them the bean bag and ask them a simple question about the lesson. Don't be discouraged if their answers don't make any sense. They're three. It encourages kids to get back in their chair just so they can catch the bean bag.

    Since we always finish our lesson early we sing fun songs while we wait for parents. Do as I'm Doing, Once there was a snowman, Head,shoulders, knees and toes, etc.

    Final word of advice. Always keep tissues handy. :)

    Good Luck!