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Posts posted by Neem1221

  1. Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,

    My name is Zachary, and my interest in the LDS comes several years ago at my town's local library, where I went down the religion section and saw the Book of Mormon. Whenever I would go there, it would seem the Book would beckon me, and I would want to read it. I never did, because I didn't want people to think I was "odd" for having an interest in Mormonism.

    I come from a family of Catholics and Methodists. I have attended a Methodist church, but ti doesn't "seem right."

    However, in researching Mormonism, it seems right, and most, if not all, of what the LDS believes I believe in personally. My family thinks my religious views are rather odd, but I have always been a proponent of pre-mortal existences and the existence of other gods. The LDS just seems right.

    I have a few concerns, but once summer rolls around, I hope to be a member!

    Bless you all.

  2. Hello, all. I am interested in joining the LDS Church, but naturally, I have a few questions and concerns before I attend my first meeting.

    1. The Health Code - I know it's serious, but I LOVE coffee, and it's hard to give up. Tea I can go without. However, I am slowly weening myself off of it.

    2. As far as I know, none of my family members were a part of the LDS Church. Can I still be a Mormon? I don't know if I have any Mormon ancestors.

    3. How do the baptismal and confirmation processes work?

    4. What is the "endowment ceremony?"

    5. I am finishing college, and should be done a year from now. If I am to do a missionary service, how will it work? I can't devote my life right now for two years until I finish school.

    That's it for now. If I think of anything else, I will post more. Thanks!

    Bless you all.