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Posts posted by kjmeyers84

  1. I only know the basics like from Wikipedia. But thats enough. I respect every religion and all beliefs but I just dont want anyone pushing their religion on me as I wouldnt do that to them. That in itself is a sin. Lead by example is what I believe in. I have an ex-mormon employee and she tells me that I will more than likely be pressured and a mormon and a non mormon relationship is not one you see often. So I am scared I love my boyfriend with a love that seems to have been in me before my birth. I just cant imagine the force that brought us together may be what makes us fall apart.

  2. Um.... That he will turn into someone i dont know and try to recruit me into it with him. I swear & drink coffee soda ext. Not a drinker so thats a plus. I am not straight edge holy person. I dont want to attend church functions or be preached to. I have my own beliefs and all that i have been reading about the Mormon ways kinda intimidates me.

  3. So.... He actually got into "trouble" for having a sexual realtionship and living with me before marriage, with his church. He sat infront of 15 men lastnight that decided his fate in the Mormon church. He used to be very active within the church and it kinda faded away until now. He came home saying how he is going to do a 360 basically and start partisipating in the church ext. I guess they were really pressuring him to marry me. Which we already previously discussed that we didnt need a piece of paper or proof of our love, but that when financially we were ready we would. So this I guess is the start of his church pressuring me to do things like get married and then convert??? Because that will never happen. He is very close with his parents and siblings. He is an amazing father, we both have children from previous relationships. I just want to know if he is going to be different now that he is back with the LDS church. It seems like a family commitment but I am not commited to it at all. UGH I just need some great advise from a full fledged Mormon holy roller. To give it to me straight what he will be like.:eek:

  4. Okay I am 26 years old female and dating/living with a Mormon man. I really wanted to know, do these relationships really work out? I WILL NEVER convert (no offense). But still am deeply in love with my soon to be fiance and want this relationship to work. I feel as though he sugar coats everything so I will feel okay about our religious differences. So I need to hear or read some info from outside Mormons on do these relationships really work? I need the truth. Thank you.:(