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Posts posted by MStephens

  1. Fablehaven is one of those series that gets better with each book. The premise behind the series about wildlife preserves for mythical fantasy creatures is extremely creative and fresh.

  2. One of the things I love about this series is that it feels like the books are chock full of insight into why the people did what they did. His narration point of view bounces between an extremely close third person that alternates between telling what the character is thinking practically in quotes, to telling the general train of the character's thought process if it could be seen by an outside observer. No motivations are left unexplained, and when a character is affected by something, we know why and we sympathize.

  3. This may be a situation when the best way to answer the skeptic may simply be to ask:

    What are you willing to sacrifice for this answer that you insist upon?

    Joseph Smith went through a ton of stuff because of his testimony. (insert recital of what he and the saints went through here)

    These Mormon teens are willing to stick to their beliefs even when mocked by this skeptic.