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Posts posted by rex8499

  1. How did the meeting with the Bishop go?

    Honestly, I'd be really surprised if you were excommunicated for slipping up once and coming to confess immediately. It shows a desire to improve yourself and do what is right and I would expect either just probation or disfellowshipment. Excommunication is usually reserved for those who refuse to align themselves with righteousness from what I've seen.

    I've known of High Priests that have done things much worse than you and only been disfellowshipped. Maybe that helps make you feel better.

  2. I once put a rubber band around the trigger for the spray nozzle on the kitchen sink and aimed it towards where a person would stand. Sure enough, my wife eventually went to turn on the faucet and got a nice blast of water onto herself, and the floor. She quickly turned the faucet off and came and beat me up for a moment, and then went back and grabbed a sponge to clean up the floor. She then turned the faucet back on to rinse the sponge, and got blasted again.

    I was laughing so hard.

  3. I always figured that the anti-christ would be an actual person who is a widely loved political figure who ushers in peace world wide, or at least in the middle east. He would unite most of the world under one government and become powerful. Eventually he would turn on Christians.

    I can't say specifically where those ideas come from. Just a general thought pattern that developed over time I guess. I might well be wrong.

  4. Hmm, an interesting discussion. My wife had taught me that the prophets had clarified that it was anything that came from the tea plant. Sounds like maybe she was mistaken and that no such clarification has been made. I'm not a big green tea drinker, but the part that I do miss most is the tea in the chinese restaurants, which I believe is more like the green tea than a black tea...but I could be wrong.

  5. If you haven't figured out where your interests lie from taking all the general classes in high school, it's very unlikely that you'll figure it out from taking the general classes in college. And while some general studies are required for every major, so also does nearly every major have specific classes that you should be taking freshman and sophomore year. And the chances of taking the right applicable ones for 2 years are pretty slim. In the end, you're definitely wasting time and money even if you do figure it out after 2 years.

    But if you get to the end of sophomore year and STILL don't know what you want to do...what then? Drop out of college, start becoming rusty, let those credits expire and have to re-take classes again later anyway, OR, as most people do, just bounce around from major to major wasting time and money trying to figure it out for another 2, 4, 6 years. I've known plenty.

    And you may decide after 2 years that what you really would love to do doesnt require any college education at all, and you've just wasted 2 years of tuition that you've got to pay back.

  6. I love psychology, and would love to have my ph.d in clinical psychology, but my mom says I need to get a heart before I can start to try and help others with their problems...

    Harsh indeed, don't let that stop you. In my experience with those I know, it's the people that are the most screwed up that want to go into this field and help others, and they do well. 8 years of schooling is a lot of time for you to mature and gain experience and understanding to be able to help others. My sister in law was a basket case, and after 5 years of being in the psychology program, she's leveled out A LOT!