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Posts posted by converted

  1. You're so funny!

    Yah - was assigned to talk in sacrament, blessed the sacrament, bore my testimony, my records were read, I have taught a Sunday School lesson, called as a ward missionary, spoke at Primary, etc. They know I am here. I think they are preoccupied.

    I did get invited to dinner a couple of times and one I had to decline because my mom was ill. My first ward really spoiled me.

    I think I just need to stay home and wait for the HT to show up. Kind of like waiting for the cable or phone guy, You're not sure exactly when they'll come, but they do eventually come. :lol

  2. All that was happening (except HT) with my original ward I was baptized in. I had to move out of my ward boundaries to another ward (same ward name, diff number) at couple of months after my baptism. When I moved everything stopped. This ward doesn't have many activities really. I think cause I am old and single that I guess I just don't fit in. I volunteer for everything that I can take time to do to participate at some level.

  3. I have spoken up again and still no HT... Nor have I been assigned as a HT.

    I don't live in a bad area or military area.

    I love to serve and continue to do missionary visits when assigned despite still not having a HT.

    I can't believe that it's been 10 months since I was baptized and no HT or fellowship.

  4. Oh My! I was wondering how you knew how old I was and see it's in my profile.

    I am a member of the Elders Quorum at this point in time. I feel more comfortable there and it's appropriate given I am not even ordained an elder yet. I was ordained an Aaronic priest about a month after my baptism.

    I think my move a few blocks out of my original ward within a couple of months of my conversion stalled things a bit.

    I suppose I am feeling left out since I moved and am airing my feelings here. It was a drastic change being a celebrity of sorts in my old ward and just fading into the background in my new ward.

  5. I am a new convert and converted to the Church in January this year.

    I have never had a home teacher come to my house. I finally asked my bishop about it a couple of weeks ago and have not heard anything.

    How long do you have to be a member to get a home teacher? Is there something that I must do or accomplish to get one?

    I hear of new members moving into other wards getting a home teacher right away. A friend of mine has had three visits in the last three months since she moved to a new ward although she was born into the church.

    I don't want to make waves or upset anyone, but it seems so hurtful not every having a home teacher come to my house.