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Posts posted by blushot

  1. I came across this on the forums here and was intrigued by it... I bought it and my wife and I watched it together. We don't have serious problems, just the normal petty misunderstandings etc but watching this really puts a different perspective on how we should be towards our partners and how we should look to be towards each other.

    Welcome To

    It's a life long commitment and we make our vows for better or for worse although we never expect the worse. I'd say try be the stronger person and give all you have and you may be surprised! The softer you are towards him may just make him realise how he is being towards you and start to be soft back.

    Ask Heavenly Father to soften his heart towards you and ask for the patience you need to have a soft heart towards him.

    He may also have something that he's dealing with that may make him behave this way, I'm not trying to justify his actions however we all crumble in certain situations. I know I can sometimes be nasty unintentionally and it's always with the people closest to me.

    Watch the movie, it really is inspiring!

  2. If I understand what you're saying, you feel your Patriarchal blessing refers to you going to the Temple after you have children? Interpretation of a Patriarchal blessing can take years to understand, and sometimes, different meanings can come into play as time goes by, and as we progress spiritually. I've understood Patriarchal blessings can have meanings that reach into the eternities--forwards and backwards. My feeling is, (and these are my thoughts only) that you have children who are waiting to come into mortality--and as such, you are their parents to be. I think your blessing is speaking to you as a parent. But, it is up to you to interpret your own blessing--through prayer, and sometimes just by living life.

    Yes, you are right there. I will add though that this is not stopping me from going but rather something that I have yet to understand and only questioning.

    I like your take on it, thank you... what you have said makes sense and yes, it is something I have included on my list to take to Heavenly Father.

  3. First off I'm going to apologise if I'm not meant to share what I am about too! It is something that I've not mentioned as it slipped my mind... In my patriarchal blessing it says:

    "I bless you with health and strength so that you can raise a righteous family and therefore you and your wife can have the joy of being saviours upon Mount Zion unto them, for the time will come when you will all be sealed together and that will be by way of a reward for you."

    We have no children (yet :) ) and I have always understood this as we will be sealed when we have children rather than before we have children.

    This is one thing that I don't really understand - should I? It just stands out to me...

  4. From what I have read you don't feel worthy- that is where the fear is coming from

    From submitting this post to now I have had a lot of time to think about how I'm feeling... I am starting to agree with the above, perhaps on the most part I don't feel worthy and this is something I need to work out.

    I'm going to take yours and Idora's advice and write down my feelings, and then take that to Heavenly Father...

    As I said in my earlier post, I told my wife I want to set a date and she is really happy and can't wait :) I thought by making a commitment to her and by us setting a date willl help me face up to this fear.

  5. I've been a member my entire life. Sometimes I wish I had been a convert. Only in the fact that everything is so new and so exciting for a convert as they are learning and progressing. Sometimes those of us need to see things from a converts eyes to get a spark back.

    I have sometimes thought to myself how I wish I had grown up in the church so that I could have attended seminary etc. I have an assignement in primary and listening to those little boys makes me realise how much they are learning and how the process is at a wonderful pace but then I also think it has it's disadvantages because I've seen some long time members take it for granted the blessing of the gospel.

    I agree that being a convert everything is exciting and new and the spark is amazing but it too has it's disadvantages, learning too much all at once, what is the saying "too much too soon" and I think this may have overwhelmed me in the past.

    There's definitly advantages and disadvantages to both sides but either way I love that I have the gospel in my life no matter where I'm at!

  6. Though I agree with Pam's initial response for the most part, the above two quotes give me pause. Are you just assuming that her testimony is still "amazing" and that she wants "with all of her heart" to be sealed, or has she said those things to you? Is it possible that your wife is struggling with her testimony?

    I know this because she has told me that she wants to be sealed to me and sometimes she drops the hint in a loving way. If my friends at church are talking to me about it and she is there she joins in... My stubborness or problem with going has really upset her in the past but she loves me so much and is willing to wait for that day I trample this hurdle!

    I know her testimony is strong and that she has no problems with anything, she has told me so and when we do engage in spiritual conversations or discuss something after reading scriptures you just now it, she has a firm testimony.

    She has only been through the temple twice and she has said that she wants to go with me the next time.

  7. Hi everyone, I'm new here and this is my first post. I'd like to share with you a little about me and where I've come from before I ask my question…

    I was baptised 4 years ago and married a lovely woman who was born in the gospel, (her parents are converts). I am not endowed and we are not sealed together. She is endowed and doesn't attend that temple although she has an amazing testimony and is incredibly active in her calling and in the service she gives to others around her.

    I have had my temple prep classes a few times and have had a recommend interview with the stake president (3years ago) which left me feeling really put off and scared of going through. Not because I had done anything wrong. I came out of the interview excited, with a recommend and shortly after I started feeling really uneasy. I don't know why.

    I have been a member for 4 years now and still haven't gone through. I get nagged by some friends at church which just puts me off even more (I can be stubborn and rebellious that way). My wife very seldom lets me know that she want to be sealed to me although I know she wants that with all of her heart. I don't feel ready or prepared to go and a part of me feels really inadequate.

    My parents divorced when I was 7 and my mom remarried.

    I am very active at church and in my callings and don't struggle with anything. My testimony was shook last year when I tried to help a less active who had read a lot of anti-mormon literature. I thought that by understanding what he read would best help me to understand and help him get his testimony back. At the time I was serving as assistant ward mission leader. Now as 1st Councillor in Elders Quorum. I can't honestly say that my testimony of the church is solid after this experience.

    I read my scriptures daily and pray daily with my wife. My prayers could probably be more sincere and more time spent praying. If we have an argument or an upset I don't want to pray or do anything spiritual, I'm guessing this is natural.

    My question to you all is from the vague background I have given to you above, what advice can you give to me in order for me to progress and move forward and go through the temple which I know is the next step I need to take both for myself and my wife?