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Posts posted by shutterbugheidi

  1. As a member of AVOW, I can tell you that there are all kinds of people who are members of the AVOW group/website. Much like this site, the AVOW site is a place for networking and discussion.

    There are forums that deal with spiritual preparedness, physical preparedness, current events, and other note/news worthy information. There is a lot of good preparedness information, food storage/preparation/purchase, medical information in case of emergencies, etc as well as other forums that deal with parenting issues, children with special needs, and other forums that assist saints in all parts of the world in supporting one another, etc.

    None of this is forbidden discussion according to the leadership of the church...

    Yes, there are forums that deal with dreams and visions, both of LDS people (including GAs and Prophets) as well as dreams and visions of Non-LDS people (George Washington, etc). These forums that deal with dreams and visions are done so with the intention of sharing only--no one claims to be a prophet or that their dream should be followed. It is simply a way to share the dreams that have common themes by people who are having these dreams (Joel 2:28-29). There is nothing sinister about them...and they certainly are NOT the focus of the website.

    AVOW stands for Another Voice of Warning. It is simply a resource to assist people in their preparedness (as we have been commanded to do), and is not there to replace our prophet, contradict the prophet, or preach false doctrine.