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Posts posted by kev_stevens67

  1. I am married to a wonderful wife who I love very much. I had trouble with pornography for years after we were married and it was a tough and trying time for both of us. I would repent and slip again. It was the worst feeling for me, I knew I was hurting the woman I loved so much and felt I couldn’t stop.

    I can only give some advice on what helped me through this. I went to an LDS counselor and discussed my addiction openly with my wife present.

    1. When I was home alone, I turned on Church hymns to listen to.

    2. I put a picture of the Idaho Falls temple as my desktop on the computer (where my wife and I were married).

    3. I decided to get out and exercise more often.

    4. I prayed every night for the strength to overcome my addiction.

    5. I started reading the Book of Mormon every day since I wasn’t doing that.

    In the end my wife and I have grown closer together and I am thankful for that. I will just say that I know this is a very tough and painful time. There are also some great books to read on this topic to help those who are struggling. I think it was also mentioned, an Addiction recovery group.

    It’s not an easy hill to climb – I know from experience, but I also know it can be done.

  2. Hi everyone,

    It’s good to be a new member on these boards. I have been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for about 18 years. I joined while I was stationed in Japan in the U.S. Air Force. I have a testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true and there is a living prophet on this Earth today. I know the Book or Mormon is true and is another testament of Jesus Christ. Eighteen years seems like a long time, although I am constantly learning and hope I will be able to learn more from other members on this board. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone here.
