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Posts posted by Ratchet

  1. I have some issues about myself and questions that are bugging me. First of all I understand that tithing 10% is a law of the church. Problem is I have a debt problem and 10% may be too much. Also with debt comes the problem of getting married which I see is somehow extremely important in the LDS church since its part of God's glory or something. Now for some silly questions. I understand coffee must be eliminated but does that also mean decaf? Soda too is prohibited (if I recall correctly) but does that go for diet soda? I don't drink so that won't be a problem. I hope to visit my first service next week so pray for me :D

  2. My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones in the earthquake and tsunami but I worry for the world concerning the nuclear reactors incident. I don't believe the media and Japan are being honest about how bad the situation is. I mean with the spent fuel rods being stored on one of the reactor building and them possibly leaking plutonium which is the most dangerous substance known to man, amongst other things. We must pray long and hard over this situation.

  3. I don't think my parents would approve my being interested in Mormonism and I'm concerned about how they would respond if they saw the book of Mormon on me. I do want to get to a ward sometime but they have 3 hour services. How have you handled such pressure and did you honestly tell your parents and friends about becoming a Mormon (I'm not a Mormon yet but thinking hard about it)? I could use some advice.

  4. If I were to join the LDS church what would I have to do? I understand baptism but is there a discipleship training course? I've heard of an Aaronic priesthood and Melchizedek priesthood. Are these what adult members go through? Please add any first steps that I should know that are required for newbie Mormons. Thanks.:confused:

  5. Hello Everyone! I'm a 26 year old male and interested in the LDS church. I'm excited to learn more about their beliefs and practices. I can't wait to receive my fee book of Mormon.

    I'm currently in college to be a paralegal and my interests include worshipping God, history, getting more active and just having fun in between it all.

    If I don't tithe could I be disfellowshipped?