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Posts posted by LDS4ME

  1. I agree about what you said regarding personnel inspiration when there are no written guidelines. I have trusted in just that in the past and it has usually turned out positive. In this case it will ultimately be the Bishop's call, he has ask for my input and I want to do my best in providing him with the best advise.

    Thanks again.

  2. Thanks for both of your replies. Not long ago we called an new HPGL. In my opinion an exceptional individual both spiritually and temporally. He called an ex-HP assistant to the secretaries position and then assigned him group members to oversee and that included doing PPI's. I truly wish there was something in writing on both of these items, but alas not to be found. Next stop SP.

    Thanks again!

  3. Hello, I am from southern California. This is my first post. My calling is 2nd counselor in our Bishopric.

    I have a question that I can't find an answer to in either of the church's handbooks.

    Can a High Priest group leader call a third assistant? Can the stake give permission for the secretary to do PPI's?
