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Posts posted by outcast

  1. Heavenly Father is our father in heaven.

    He want's to hear from us. He loves us, and he wants to bless us just as a real father would want his children to be blessed.

    He cares about us. And when he blesses us, he expects us to express our gratitude for that blessing.

    "He took the cup, and gave thanks" (Matthew 26:27).

    "He took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks" (Matthew 15:36).

    "Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things" (D&C 59:7).

    "Ye must give thanks unto God in the Spirit for whatsoever blessing ye are blessed with" (D&C 46:32).

    "Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, . . . and be ye thankful" (Colossians 3:15).

    "Verily I say unto you my friends, fear not, let your hearts be comforted; yea, rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks" (D&C 98:1).

    "When thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God" (Alma 37:37).

    Our Heavenly Father loves us. He is a mystery in his works but the God of the bible is very accurate. Read the bible and you will come to know him. Do his will and allow the Holy Ghost to work in you as you preach his gospel before others and you will come to understand him.

    Sit on the computer and search for answers, and you will probably leave confused. God is ACTION.

    Check out The Finger of God to see his miracles in ACTION.

    Amazon.com: Finger of God: Darren Wilson: Movies & TV

  2. Yes, competition is wicked. But shopping for the best deals on shoes is vanity.

    "Take no care for what you wear..." -Jesus.

    Let's face it. It's fun to play, but I play to win. I don't care if I loose. If you are a good sport you play to win and enjoy the game any way if you loose.

    It's not about winning it's about having fun. But when the question comes up...who won? You will normally answer with "we did or they did"

    We are grown ups, we can handle it.

  3. Good luck to your new boyfriend. Because no one will want to listen to you relate how your OLD baggage is just like mr. lucky now.

    We guys HATE being compared to. My ex did this. My ex did that. Don't be surprised when a few of your dates hit the door running.

    Good luck. I'm just being honest with you. It will take MUCH longer then two weeks to become single again.

    Also, don't just go running off with singles guys because you can. Be decent and EXPECT guys to treat you like you are a flower. WAIT till marriage to have sex and you will have an honest man by your side because late in the game, most guys are used to sexual relationships and it may seem like it's not as big a deal. IT'S HUGE. Just because you have been sexually active for a long time with hopefully ONE man doesn't make the practice right for every one.

    Don't divorce ALL your beliefs. Stay true to your self and expect others to respect your religious obligations.

    Remember, you are still married to Christ. Be chase till the right one comes along and that will be your saving grace.

  4. Wow, you guys are real honest. I was in YOUR boat too. My advice. Get married.

    Point out that you expect him to join your church. You love him or you would not have done what you did.

    Let me point out that you have already hurt the expectations of your Heavenly Father and your church friends.

    Time to be responsible and marry the guy. Any marriage can work with any man. Me and my wife didn't wait. Oops and oh well. We suffered through it and we are not stronger for it. It was stupid and hurtful and embarrassing for both of us and caused a lot of anguish. Wait till you read the Miracle of Forgiveness. Then it will all be clear. Have they given you a copy yet? REQUEST one. Check it out. It's for US.

    Get married and move on. Build your life, love fight, make up and enjoy the make up process......IF YOU know what I mean....hint hint.

    But don't continue your sinful path. Just decide that if you are mature enough to have sex your are mature enough to be a couple for and get married. It's BIG yes. Life is big.

  5. Let me just tell you a guys point of view. We don't care about our ex's. That's the honest truth. If we do contact you it's because we want sexual relations. That's it. bottom line. We don't need prayer, we need a mature woman to say, it was fun but it's over and that's that. When you continue a relationship it's like taking moldy strawberries out of the garbage and putting them back in the refrigerator.

    They say that new friends are silver but old friends are golden. I think what you are chasing isn't so much an old flame as much as an old memory or some one you can relate to that has the past in common with you.

    In truth old friends are the best. But dear, he is not your friend. He needs to move on and you need to find some one new to make old memories with.


    Us guys will be just fine.

  6. Look girl,

    you don't let an alcoholic live next door to the liqueur store.

    You need to get RID of the source of the problem.

    Jesus said this: It is better to cut off your hand and enter heaven mamed then have your whole body burn in hell. In other words it's better to TOSS THE COMPUTER then loose the whole marriage.

    Time to start living like the WALTONS. He will get over it, or you will get over him.

    Jesus also said: if any one of you divorce for any thing except adultery then you are sinning. BUT he who lust after a woman in his heart has committed adultery in his heart.

    So divorce is justified here.

    Life is too short to live with a sinful husband with so many righteous men out there.

    If he can't let go of the computer then let go of him. Choose you this day what you will do, as for me and my house, we will serve the lord!

  7. I know of a man in my church that is a fence walker. What is pushing him back into the church is the GOOD QUALITIES that his kids display.

    Jesus said this: Wisdom shall be known of her children.

    Let you kids know you EXPECT them to be the Christians they are and you expect them to go to church with you. Kids don't need to make decisions they need to be held by the hand and taken in the right direction. They can make decisions when they leave the home. In the mean time STAND UP for your self!

    YOU ARE A MORMON! Be a mormon and stop telling your self you are the only one in this world with a problem.

    Jesus expects you to be what he has taught you to be. Use the scriptures as your guide. This is what you trained so hard for. This is the trial you are now in. How strong you are will reflect how much of a Christian you have become.

    How much oil is in your lamp girl? Because it's time to stand in Holy Places!

    Use the Temple. Use Prayer. Every night with out fail. Be humble and trust the BIGGER plan here.

    Do this and time will be on your side.

    Remember, nature is never in a hurry and every thing seems to work out.

  8. It's a tough topic. It's seems like you are still waiting for something. An apology? Maybe you want your family to say you are right for leaving?

    With out talking to you it's hard to understand where you come from.

    Have you ever talked about it openly with a counselor? I would suggest you call a hotline and talk to a professional.

    Life is too short to deal with this kind of stuff.

    Also understand that it is ultimately YOUR load you are carrying. If you died tomorrow you would die with this sorrow and pain in your heart, so there is the proof that you are the one keeping this alive.

    So the real question is, how can you let it go?

    What will it take for you to leave this behind?

    I say this not to make it right, as we all know it's not right, but because it has happened already, and what you really seem to be saying is that you WANT to move on but can't.

    Please understand I am not a professional counselor, I'm only pointing out the obvious so take it with a grain of salt as an opinion.

    If I may offer some balm of Gideon it would be this. When you help OTHERS deal with their abuse, YOU become a stronger person. Is there any one you can help and talk to?

  9. To be a hypocrite you must simply say you are one thing and DO another.

    A Catholic can be a hypocrite just as well as a JEW.

    Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites for their actions because they went against what they taught.

    So to NOT be a hypocrite you must simply DO what you teach and believe.

    Even atheist can be hypocrites. It's an individual title. No previous experience necessary.