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Posts posted by Ts82177

  1. I know it's an obvious belief of the church that this verse refers to the fullness of the Gospel (Holy Bible, Book of Mormon D&C, Pearl of Great Price), and some see it as evidence that the BoM is true. But, could this verse just be talking about the Holy Bible?

    "6And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people"

  2. What I been wondering is, if a family is sealed and a daughter moves on and gets sealed to her husband, and the father and the son-in-law become gods of different planets, wouldn't that mean the family isn't eternal?

    Also, say you're the first generation of LDS in the family, and make it to the Celestial Kingdom, would that mean you would never see your family again? That sounds horrible.

    Maybe I'm confused about the godhood thing, I see it as being a god of a planet and having eternal kids to populate your planet. But it seems like if everyone became a god it would split the family up, besides the husband and wife. Sons, daughters, parents, would all be on a different planet, right?

  3. Oh sorry for the confusion. I always thought it was called the laying on of the hands. Where after baptism they lay their hands on your head to receive the Holy Ghost. Which I was also skeptical about, so I guess that leads to another question.

    What does baptism mean, vs the (in my terms) "laying of the hands?"

  4. After my baptism I had to to move, at the same time I had to deal with a lot of criticism from my family about it, so I decided not to go back. I never received the laying on of the hands either. So I was wondering if I would have to get rebaptized? If so, would I have to go through the missionary lessons again as well?

  5. I'm Travis, 24 yrs old from Michigan. I found the church in 2007 while I was deployed in afghan with the army. I became a member but have not been active. My family is catholic and they make me feel weird about saying I'm Mormon, so I'm kind of a "closet mormon." I'm here to learn more, and meet other members, maybe like myself.