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Posts posted by joshuat

  1. Nope that's our service number. I don't plan on being rapped or going to the beach and taking my top off, I'm not cut enough hehe. Dogtags are still mandatory when deployed but this would be a second set of numbers to verify. Plus the blood type is needed just in case you need a transfusion while unconsious.

  2. So what's your idea of a tattoo then? You can dream of doing stuff but never doing it can't we? I feel like you've taken a fun topic and made it not so fun.

    Thanks for your 2 cents of why you won't get one. It's a great reason don't get me wrong but to me it was you telling me that I'm wrong for thinking of doing it. Oh well, I guess I won't have the last word in a fun forum. Keyboard cowboys yee haw!!!!!!!!!!

    I'd get the title of liberty across my back if I could. Now that would be a great statement to live with. Nothing fancy, just the words written in bold so others can understand why I serve in the military and what a great leader he was.

  3. As being a military member we've been given permission to do so. My rules are different than yours as a civilian. I have a little red book that says I can if I choose to but so far I've stuck to the rule that this isn't my body so why would I trash something that isn't mine?

  4. Kind of hard to do DNA on the battlefield. I've been shot at with small arms( guns that is not peoples arms) and RPG's and if you get hit with one of those there won't be much to look at. Vehicles blowing up and catching fire is a nice way to go too. A tattoo for me would be my social security number and maybe my family around it since they revolve around me. I'm authorized to get one.

  5. I've been back and forth about this subject. I'm in the military and there are alot of leasons I've learned and getting a tattoo is a great way to identify a body that's missing body parts.

    I'm not Samoan but I love how their tattoos stand for something.....Still debating on doing it or not myself.

  6. I feel your pain brother. It's been a very rough road for me and my spouse dealing with what's happened and what will happen in the future. I think it would be easier for me to chat thru pm than on here about my problem. I'll shoot you a pm so we can talk more, don't want too many folks knowing my situation.

  7. I'm sure they'd allow it if both spouses would agree that there isn't anything to salvage. Why would the Lord or the Church want you to stay in a marriage if you don't get along? We are suppose to be happy here and go through trials. I'm going thru one of those trials right now and me and my spouse are in a situation sort of like yours. What do you do when your spouse doesn't repent of past transgressions and has cut themselves off from the temple blessings?

    I wish you both luck and I hope love can help mend the past, that's what I'm hoping for in my case. I would get a civil divorce first and if then she finds someone who wants to marry her in the temple then get the temple cancellation.