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Posts posted by b0dhi

  1. Your bishop will not tell your mother, but I have heard of times when teenagers were required to confess to the parents themselves. I doubt that will be the case though since there really can't be any good that would come from that. Your branch president isn't dumb. What good could telling a worrying mother about a wayward son's repented mistakes possibly do?

    Good luck on your mish.

  2. ThatLDSkid,

    I hope you've been able to resolve your issues. I'm also aware that realistically there's probably a 99% chance it's not over.

    What you need to know is that you are not a bad kid. I agree with the head mod that it's not our place to tell people when not to speak to the bishop. But also be aware that you are not alone and I'd bet two things- there's a good chance every person here has masturbated, and there's also a good chance that less than all of them decided to speak to their bishop about every instance. You need to know you are not a freak and the people behind these profiles are not perfect either- we simply do not discuss it. This is just to be open and frank with you. Everybody has done it, everyone feels guilty, and nobody talks about it, so the effect of guilt and isolation can be unbearable at times.

    In case you're still following or reading, please don't give up hope or let this lead you to think you're unusual, bad, or let the feeling of guilt overwhelm you. I know we try to distance ourselves from our murky pasts but being less than open with a young boy struggling with this is something to be ashamed of.