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Posts posted by mrscalifornia

  1. Hey Shan,

    A lot of people don't even start training until 3. Not abnormal (in the U.S. anyway)

    WEll, it's been quite a while for me, being as I have one on a mission right now, and another one soon to go, but my oldest was potty trained by 17months old, and the second was about 21 months, and the last, well, he trained himself, just by watching his older brothers. None of my boys were hard to train, so I don't know if that's true about boys being harder than girls (since I have no girls!) But one thing I am big on, is praise when they do something good, like going on the toilet. I used to sit them on the toilet and tell them how good they were, even if they didn't do anything, and we really celebrated when they did. And when they missed and went not in the toilet, I never scolded- we just cleaned it up without saying a whole lot. We had a party hat and the blower things and stuff, so when they did pee in the toilet, we literally had a party!! Also, sitting them on the toilet I hear when you are running the bath water I hear works, not sure if it did, but I know I tired that too! Well, don't know if my blabbling helped, but I wish you the best of luck with it. It doesn't hurt to try!
  2. GRRR i signed on too late and couldnt vote. Next time tell us earlier so we can have our friends/family vote as well.

    Yes, I should have put this up earlier, I really appreciate all who voted. But you can wish me luck in my actual pageant at the end of this month. The winner, has speaking appearances at least once per month, once she wins. I want that to be me!! I am so excited about it. My boys are all supportive too, which is great!! The main focus, however, as I stated before is to help promote my teaching speech/communications skills to children. So.... I hope this Works!!
  3. I am in the mrs plus america competition in july, part of our competition is a covergirl online photo competition. I am doing this because I am trying to start a non profit group to teach communication and speaking skills in the schools here where I live. The publicity I would receive from this will really help.

    Which is why I am asking you all this... If you wouldn't mind taking a minute and voting for my picture ont his web site.

    and vote for me Shelley wilkinson. The voting ends tonight at midnight.

    Just so you know a little about me, I am a 40 year old LDS woman. I have one son currenlty serving his mission in columbus ohio, and this week, my second son will be sending in his papers as well - my youngest son is 16 and still not dating because all the girls he likes are younger than him!! I am very community involved and church involved. I just really really really feel that it is important to take our talents and abilities to use them to improve our communities and areas that we live in. this is my way to do this. I am hoping to win my competition, which will give me the publicity with the speaking opportunities it will bring up each month over the next year. So any support I can get on this would be greatly appreciated. So please vote for me if you feel so inspired to do so. And for those of you who would like more information on my speech classes for kids or the pageant for size 14 women and up, please feel free to comment to this, or to email me at [email protected]

    thank you so much