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Posts posted by splash

  1. While I'm glad this story has a happy ending, it's a prime example of why you must be honest. Karma is a bugger and eventually things will catch up with you. I theorize the couple in Spartan's story were more concerned with the initial shame and awkwardness of cancelling the sealing the day of. Oh, how disappointed and shocked and horrified everyone would be! better save face. Well, apparently everything came to light anyway, with that nasty excommunication slapped on top.

    I just wanted to point out Spartan edited his post and that couple was not excommunicated, they were disfellowshipped.

    Excommunication seems much rarer than what it used to be. A friend of mine who was a previous Young Single Adult Bishop mentioned something to me that made sense along with the experiences of those I know well. He stated years ago the Church was too quick to disfellowship and excommunicate young adults and few made it back to the Church. A shift took place of "saving souls" who are sincerely trying to do the right thing and repent.

  2. I think you are worrying too much about this. Relax. You can repent of this and go forwards! I really don't think you will be disfellowshipped or excommunicated! It seems you feel really guilty and have worried about this for a long time- 8 years. Talking to your bishop will help you feel much better and take the weight off your shoulders. If you confess to the Bishop you will have peace of mind, joy and confidence that you did all you could to properly repent and become clean again. Dont' be scared of the Bishop, he is there to help you.

    Masterbation is not that uncommon. Some members even believe it's okay but I don't think its okay. The Church speaks against masterbation for good reasons.

    Quite a few people I know well committed MUCH more serious sexual sins that you, confessed and did not get excommunicated, a couple of them were already endowed. It is up to the individual Bishop to decide. Repentance is case by case.

    Something a friend of mine mentioned (who was a previous Young Single Adult Bishop) has stuck with me. It makes sense combined with the experiences of those I know well. He stated years ago, the Church was too quick to disfellowship and excommunicate the young adults. They found that very few that went through this process actually made it back into the Church. The shift has been, "we are in the business of saving souls", and we need to be more loving and merciful to those who are sincerely trying to do the right thing.

  3. trying to post a thread to introduce myself but my account won't let me, can anyone advise me please? thank You Miss cherokee

    Hey, there is a "How do I" section for account problems or questions : ) You should find more help there than here. I don't know why you can't post a thread. You can message Pam or another moderator and they should be able to help you. Welcome to the site and good luck.

  4. Personally I love modesty and have a testimony of it. I feel comfortable and great when I dress modest and feel most comfortable around others who dress modest as well. You don't have to dress like a nun to be modest. You can still look great, fashionable, attractive and wear clothes that fit while also being modest. You may have to be more creative to be modest (such as a long tank top underneath a shirt, etc.) and it may be harder to find modest clothes but I think it is well worth it. I think modesty only makes a person more attractive.

    I agree with the Strength of Youth Pamphlet statements/standards of modesty and that is modesty to me. Also, if endowed I think proper garment coverage is important. There are various views of what modesty is.

    I am married now but before I was married I never had any trouble getting dates or having boyfriends because I dresed modestly. I did not want to date any guys that did not value modesty as I did. Nor did I want to attract guys by dressing immodestly. That's just me though.

    Some people feel there is a time and place for sexy clothes, etc.- after marriage and only with your spouse. After marriage some couples sometimes wear sexy clothes or lingerie when alone together. Other couples feel sexy clothes, etc. are not ever okay- not even in marriage when alone with spouse. Some couples feel dressing modestly no longer applies in public after marriage. Some couples think wearing sexy clothes is okay in public after marriage. And some people feel modesty is just plain not important- whether single or married.

    I think its still very important to dress modestly when around other family members, friends/ in public after marriage too.

  5. President Benson stated:

    “The Lord Himself has stated that the Book of Mormon contains the ‘fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ’ (D&C 20:9). That does not mean it contains every teaching, every doctrine ever revealed. Rather, it means that in the Book of Mormon we will find the fulness of those doctrines required for our salvation. And they are taught plainly and simply so that even children can learn the ways of salvation and exaltation” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1986, 4; or Ensign, Nov. 1986, 6).

    Lesson 1: “The Keystone of Our Religion”, Book of Mormon Gospel Doctrine Teacher’s Manual, (1999),1

  6. Hey.

    How you feeling?

    I understand about contemplating suicide, I have been there. But you know what? Suicide isn't the answer. Suicide is quitting on everything. It's giving up and chickening out. Don't give up! Life is hard but we are strong. You are worth far too much to kill yourself!

    I don't know why you feel like killing yourself. If its because of the past- we can't change the past. What's done is done. All we can do is pick up the pieces, learn and focus on having a better future. We can repent, make better choices in the future, be blessed, have wonderful opportunities and be very happy : ) Keeping the commandments = happiness. Even if commandments have been broken in the past, we can choose to keep them now and be blessed for it. No matter where you are in life, no matter what mistakes you have made- you can go forwards! The Gospel offers us repentance, safety, happiness and peace (and so many other wonderful things). Christ understands what you are going through! He died for you and you mean to world to him!

    Talking to a therapist and/or meds may greatly improve your life.

    “Think of the purest, most all-consuming love you can imagine. Now multiply that love by an infinite amount—that is the measure of God’s love for you. God does not look on the outward appearance. I believe that He doesn’t care one bit if we live in a castle or a cottage, if we are handsome or homely, if we are famous or forgotten. Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God love encompasses us completely. He loves us because He is filled with an infinite measure of holy, pure, and indescribable love. We are important to God not because of our résumé but because we are His children. He loves every one of us, even those who are flawed, rejected, awkward, sorrowful, or broken. God’s love is so great that He loves even the proud, the selfish, the arrogant, and the wicked. What this means is that, regardless of our current state, there is hope for us. No matter our distress, no matter our sorrow, no matter our mistakes, our infinitely compassionate Heavenly Father desires that we draw near to Him so that He can draw near to us.”

    ― Dieter F. Uchtdorf

  7. The worth of souls is great in the sight of God. Each soul is precious and valuable to the Father who created them.

    I sure agree with that!! Thanks for sharing that... or shall I say reminding us of that wonderful D&C scripture.

    Potential (while related) is about what we can become. In the next life our potential is to become perfectly clean through the benefits of the Atonement. In this life potential is about what we make of our time here. You may have more potential than I do, it is different for us all. That potential can change based on the decisions we make through our life

    I appreciate your words causing me to think about potential in a different way.

    I agree whether we live up to our potential in this life does depends on our choices. I am going to add the word goal. There are times we make a mistake, repent and are able get back on course to reach the goal/potential. The mistake may delay the goal/potential but the goal can still be met. I have experienced this in my own life. That is not always the case. Othertimes, mistakes cause us to miss the potential/goal. We can repent, yes, but some opportunities (whether small or large) are lost forever. I have also experienced this in my life. I bet everyone can relate to both cases in some degree. The more serious the mistake, the more risk. Consequences vary for mistakes. But, even with serious sins sometimes you can repent and reach the goal/potential. Usually there is a delay but it may still be possible. Other times- no, not possible. Depends on details, circumstance, what Bishop says if he was involved, etc. of course. There are so many goals/potentials in this life- educational, spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, etc.


    I see clearly how you meant Alma the Younger was an exception now and agree.

    I am not saying we can't acknowledge that sins affect us. I apologize for not being clear. I am saying we should not judge and tell others how their sins are going to effect them. Yes, there are consequences but we don't know the exact consequences or how someones life will turn out.

  8. Moral of this story – those that believe the worth and value of the souls of others are diminished by their repented sins – are the greater diminished and their thoughts limit their souls more so than the sin ever did with the repentant person.

    The Traveler

    Right on to that moral! Or, if you don't think its a moral- right on to that statement!

  9. RMGuy- I agree details and defintions matter!

    RescueMom- Alma the Younger and Paul the Apostle are great examples!

    Thanks to everyone for opinions, thoughts, scriptures, details and new ways of analysis.

    I think we are born with our potential. Whether we achieve it or not is up to us. You can still reach your potential if you make mistakes. Someone that dropped out of high school can still later become a doctor. Someone that was a drunk can repent and later be called to be a bishop (know of a case where that happened). Did the potential change? No. Can someone delay until the opportunity becomes no longer possible in this life? Yes. Are we destined to do certain things in this life? I don't know. If we procrastinated too far in this life, will we do it in the hereafter? I don't know.

    I like this quote:

    “The heavens will not be filled with those who never made mistakes but with those who recognized that they were off course and who corrected their ways to get back in the light of gospel truth.”

    ― Dieter F. Uchtdorf

  10. Hi Pegasus_, I added you as a friend and it says we're already friends, but it doesn't show on my friends, does it show on yours?


    I did accept the friend request. It does not show on my page either. I try clicking on your profile and it re-directs me back to my homepage. I read that you are a new member too. Did you validate your profile through the validation email? Here may be a helpful sticky Pam wrote about accounts with no profile:


  11. You can send some of that Summer over here :)

    We have had really windy weather here and deep morning frost too although, thankfully, no snow - yet!

    Thought it was three weeks to Christmas when someone pointed out at Church today that it is two weeks to Christmas and three to New Year. Oh well.

    I think we are only having Sacrament Meeting here on Christmas Day, with the Carol Service on Christmas Eve.

    Not sure about New Year's Day, yet, but will probably be the full three sessions as usual.

    Got my Kindle yesterday, so downloaded the Scriptures onto that. It really is a useful little gadget! Really light too.

    Enjoy your Summer!

    Yeah, Christmas will be here before we know it. I am looking forward to spending time with family, eating good food and opening my/seeing others open their presents. I love buying presents for my family. I had fun getting a couple presents for my sisters this past weekend. I hope they like them.

    A kindle, nice! I would like to get one of those someday.

    I would love to visit the United Kingdom someday...

  12. Hi, I should say welcome more often, even though I'm new myself. Ordinarily I love Christmas more than any holiday. Last Christmas season was extremely difficult for personal reasons though and I'm finding the thought of it painful this year again, too, but I'm trying harder to get myself into the Christmas Spirit.

    One thing I used to love when I lived in Utah several years ago was going to see the lights on temple square. One of my favorite memories of my time there. Last Christmas Eve I drove around the little town I live in, alone, to see the lights, and cried the whole drive, lol, but it's one little sweet memory from last year. Sad, but sweet.

    I'm hoping this year will be better. Hoping to make it better. :)

    I am sorry last Christmas was painful for you. I sincerely hope this year you can have a better Christmas! :) I love seeing the lights on Temple Square too. I love being on temple square period. I always feel the spirit there and it is such a beautiful place.

  13. Hello Pegs. Welcome to this site. I'm from CA

    Hello to you! Thanks for the welcome!

    California, I like to travel there. Planning a whale-watching trip for January-Feb. I love whales and never been whale watching. Pretty excited!