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Posts posted by IBelieveInAngels

  1. I'm having a moral dilemma. I have a girlfriend who is going to be investigating the church. We want to marry one day and she is willing to join the church then after the one year waiting period is up, lie about actively supporting homosexuality yet getting a temple recommend one of the questions that is asked is "Do you actively support anything contrary to the Church?" and her answer is that "God will forgive her" if she lies to get a temple recomend using James 1:9: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

    Anyways, I live in Canada where the homosexuality thing is moot anyways 'cause it's legal. I have bipolar and am depressed and confused about all this and the feeling are AMPLIFIED because of my bipolar. I love her dearly but she said don't try and stop her. I want to marry her and it to be honest. I support homosexuality (but that's a whole other matter.) I know I won't get into the temple because of this but I don't care. I don't want to and will not lie. Anyways could someone help me please?? What do I do??

  2. I think you guys are missing the point *I* am trying to make. The FLDS *IS* a cult. The LDS isn't. The book was disturbing and I find it disturbing you would lop a woman who is trying to prevent child abuse and horrific things from happening in the same boat as antis. The point I was making is that it isn't okay, the things these nutjobs are doing in the name of God. That's all.

  3. I thank y'all for your wonderful insight. I want to take something I know I'll be good at. I love music, but am not good at it. I also am good at writing and I like politics, so maybe a journalism degree and then find some college in Canada (NOT university) that offers political science. I've never really thought of a mission, and with my condition I suspect the BEST I could hope for would be a non-proselytizing mission. Then I can become a journalist that covers the truth! 9/11 was an Inside Job! Fluoride can kill you and it's in your toothpaste! Obama is the Anti-Christ! :P LOL. Anyways, I read my scriptures and pray so I should be getting an answer soon...? I also emailed my ward executive secretary so I can set up a time to meet with me Bishop. That oughta get the ball rolling...I just need to know soon because even though things are in the Lords time, College doesn't work like that.

  4. I read a book called Church of Lies and it was very eye opening regarding how twisted some people are when practicing polygamy. I am not saying the church practiced anything like this, but one can't help but wonder, eh? (I am Canadian so that eh was legit. :P) They have this bizarre keep sweet, no matter what slogan. In other words, keep your mouth shut and do as your leaders command (even if it seems wrong.) They also give you your temple garment at age 8, after baptism and tell you that if you remove it, you go to you know where. Weird. On top of all this, they freak whenever Jehovah's Witnesses show up proselytizing, or any outsider, for that matter. The woman who wrote this, Flora, was raped by her father, terrorized and kept captive by her aunt and uncle and was eventually able to escape this notorious cult, and now tries to help girls escape polygamy and also fights to get lawmakers off their butts and enforcing their own laws. (Sad that someone has to force the government to do it's job, eh?) Anyways, it was an okay book, although I won't be reading it again.
  5. So I'm approaching the crossroads of being done with high school. It was one heck-o a struggle and I'm glad I'm going to be done soon. The thing is...I haven't really taken the Gospel seriously (Less Active) and now I find myself wondering what it is God wants me to do with my life? I've been diagnosed bipolar, and I'm on ODSP (Social Assistance) I feel like I don't want to be dependent on the government for the rest of my life, but I'm not sure I could handle college yet, much less a full time proselytizing mission. What do I do? I'm not worthy enough to get my patriarchal blessing, yet I read on the LDS.org website that you don't have to be perfect to be considered worthy. The only thing holding me back is my occasional masturbation session due to stress, depression, ect. I want my patriarchal blessing to give me some sense of direction. I know it won't answer all my questions but I feel it'll at least get me on the right track. Anyways, what do I do??

  6. Hey. I'm 20. I've been diagnosed bipolar type two since I was 16. Is there anyone else out there that has bipolar and would be willing to contact me? I need someone to talk to who will understand the stress and depression.
  7. Hey. My name is Benjamin. I'm 20 years old. I haven't been on a mission, been to the temple or any other typical Mormon stuff. I live in a rural area and it's very hard to get to church. I'd ask the ward for help, but no one comes to visit. I'm having a very hard time reconciling my faith and my mental illness. I've been diagnosed bipolar. It just really doesn't feel like God loves me because even if I do the things I'm supposed to, I always feel like crap anyways. The singles ward wasn't very helpful. I asked for help finding a ride and no one offered to help. I feel myself losing hope in the things that once brought me solace. I really want to get my patriarchal blessing, but an addiction to masturbation stands in the way. Is there any hope for me whatsoever??? I need help but no one is willing.