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Posts posted by jaasielcruz

  1. Well, at the moment I believe I'll be baptised as soon as I think I'm worth it. Now it's too soon, and I don't think I'm ready nor worthy, but I hope that before year 2012 I'm proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

    I can only say that your story confirms my testimony about the gospel, you're so on the right path, the gospel is exactly for you so please dont feel inadequate. You have been lead to the church for a reason, there is not coincidence. I can promise to you that you will receive the remission of your sins when you are baptized and that you will feel peace and the love of your Heavenly Father as you make a convenant with Him.

    Just remember a couple of things, First: Baptism is a mean and not the end. You can't feel completely worthy until you're baptized thats what baptism is for, only through baptism you can become clean of those sins and guilt. so, i would encourage you to be baptized and not to wait too long to do it. Second: endure, as you gain a testimony of the things you are experiencing always work on that testimony to make it stronger by reading, praying etc, basically live the commandments... the promise is the greatest of all the gifts of God, please read 2 Nephi 31:19-20 so you can understand this principle better.

    I admire the courage you have had to look for answers, if you have any doubts or concerns we will be happy to help you resolve them.