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Posts posted by sena

  1. Considering the OP has already had sex with the fiance before, grinding through the clothes is a knowing prelude to sex again.

    So, yes, the bishop needs to be involved considering she just finished probation for breaking the LoC before and now doing an act that leads to actual intercourse.

    beefche, please tell me where it states there was sex with the fiancé? To provide facts rather than your assumption, I have not had sex with my fiancé and it was prior to us. I have done the repentance with the bishop concerning that. Please for any credibility which you may have, make sure you don't assume things.

  2. I think "grinding" would be the least of your worries at this point. You already admitted to drinking and having sex here. That was back in September of last year. Did nothing anyone said 7 months ago sink in that you have to bring up 2 more threads?

    To answer your questions, yes it did and I was put on 6 months of probation which is up. Now I am trying to live my life right and I have felt this was a grey area and I want to do things right. So in reply, Yes this "grinding" is the most of my worries right now. And for a being a moderator, thanks for the assumptions because you are absolutely no help.

  3. Hey everyone, I have a question. I'm going to my bishop soon about "grinding" with my fiance through clothes. We are getting married in two months, and our making out got passionate which led to this grinding. Is this something that we will have to postpone our wedding? Does anyone have any experience in this happening?

  4. Hey everyone. To cut things short, I'm in my young twenties, came home from a mission early, fallen away from the church, took off my garments, have drank, had sex, stopped paying tithing, stopped praying, reading the scriptures etc...

    When you hear the cliche "it's a slippery slope", it's never been more true.

    I desparately want to come back to the church, but I could never tell the bishop. I'm afraid of the punishment...

    Does anyone know what the disciplinary action would be.. I know it's different depending on the bishop and stake pres. .

    Sorry I know this isn't very detailed of my situation or anything, but it gives an idea.