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Posts posted by MagneticField

  1. We need to be reasonable in our faith.


    As an (former?) atheist, I've heard and said many times "If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people"

    There's no any logical religion. I've studied christianity a lot, and those studies made me sure that's not the right religion. Same with every other religion, except mormonism. I'm not LDS myself, and I'm not sure that it's true either, but I haven't felt the same feeling with any other religion.

  2. I have a desire to serve the Lord. I am just trying to figure out what to do. If I should serve a mission or if I shouldn't.

    Does anyone have advice or personal experiences they could share to help me? Thank you so much...

    Hi, first I want to apoligize my lack of lingual skills, english isn't my native language.

    I'm not an mormon, I've considered myself as an atheist for years, but I'm not so sure anymore. But when all this happened, I was definitely an atheist. So, I'm not talking about mission, I'm talking about depression.

    I was doing my military service (which is mandatory here), when I was diagnozed with depression second time in my life. Everything was too hard, even my girlfriend (we had been together nearly 4 years and lived together for two years) wanted to break up (which we did), so there was nothing in my life. My life was in situation where I hated to be in service, and weekends at home were boring and lonely. It would have been easy just to quit, but I didn't want to do that. So, I served whole 12 months last 7 months with strong antidepressants. I believe I can compare my situation to yours at least in some parts.

    First, fix your head before going back (there might be better translation, but you'll get the point). If you can't go, don't go. You need to be sure, that you can do it.

    Second, why you want to go? Motivation is a huge thing, when depressed person is trying to do something. Make a list, why you want to do it. If you decide to go, and you think it's too hard, you can always read that list.

    Third, you need to trust. Trust yourself, because you can do anything you want to. Trust God, because He'll be there for you (I never had this option myself). Pray, when needed, and tell Him what you are feeling, and ask for help and guidance.

    And, remember always, you are perfectly good person. Your depression is a disease, and you're suffering from it because chemistry in your brains isn't working in the way it's supposed to. That's not your fault.

  3. MagneticField, your story doesn't seem very weird to me: it's something similar to another Book of Mormon story. Check out Alma 36:

    Now, you may not know what "harrowed" means (it's a very English farming term) but it's vital to understanding this verse. A harrow is a big machine that breaks up packed soil so that farmers can plant things in it. This is literally what was happening to Alma's soul: it was being broken up and loosened so that the gospel could grow there. While this is helpful, the experience is rarely very pleasant. This "harrowing" is the guilt (you got the right word, you just misspelled it) you experienced. However, once Alma's soul was ready, he caught hold upon the words of Jesus Christ and the Atonement, and the harrowing stopped. The guilt was completely removed, and Alma was able to feel joy for the first time in a while.

    You've already done the hard part: you've been sufficiently "harrowed" and you have caught hold on the one source of happiness that never fades away: the Atonement and words of Jesus Christ. As long as you never let go you will find the peace and forgiveness you seek. :)

    I don't read your quotes from here, I have my own Book of Mormon in finnish with me, so I read them from there.

    And this is, again, one really weird thing. Why is Book of Mormon saying exactly I want to hear? Telling exactly what's happening?

    Like I said earlier, I'm not sure yet is BoM true. I'm quite sure that there's too many weird coincidenses happened already, and now this. Well, I think I know where I'll spend three hours next sunday.

    I'm really confused. All those years I was so sure that there's no any god at all. Well, maybe with time this will be easier for me to accept.

  4. Hey just a minute here. You dont like the women in the church? What in the world did you read about us?

    I have no idea what you're saying. Maybe something lost in translation?

    But, Finland is country with equality. Our president is woman, chairman of our supreme court is woman, our national church (lutheran) has accepted women to serve as priests since 1986 and so on. I have only known one stay-at-home mother in my entire life, so the culture is so different.

    I don't say I don't like it, I meant earlier that I wasn't interested to study anymore.

  5. Thanks for everone! This helps me a lot!

    out of curiosity, what happened?

    did you experience what the Spirit was all about? I remember the first time the Spirit tapped me on the shoulder so-to-speak, it is a bit startling the first time :) (PS - I'm a convert too, and someone with a past too)

    Okay, this is one weird thing. The anti-mormon site is hosted by former mormon, who was member for five years. He or she has lot's of material, so I just read few articles and beliefs. Earlier I only knew what my old teacher said when I was 13, just about Jesus visiting native americans, garments, polygamy and rulings, which is called word of wisdom.

    First day I learned about women in church, what kind of mormon culture is like and basic beliefs. That was enough for me, and I closed that webpage.

    Next day I noticed that I was thinking what I've learned. This has never happened before, even that I know quite much about any big religion in the world. So, I went back to that webpage. I read stories about recovering mormonism, summary about six lectures with missionaries (yes, even those are in there) and I felt relieved. Didn't think it was anything, and I didn't keep studying. I had to go to the other town because of my work, and the trip lasts nearly 12 hours. So, in train I was drinking beer with few of my friends, and I was quite drunk. Before I went to sleep, I went to smoking cabinet, where were 3 men smoking pot, which is illegal :P They offered that for me too, and I took a bit. Then I went to bed.

    Next morning I woke up, I felt terrible. Not because of pot or alcohol, but I felt so quilt (is that correct?) about what I've done. This has never happened before. When I went out of train, I saw four missionaries, and decided to go to talk with them. They were moving to other part of the country, and I was in a hurry, so I just asked if they have spare Book of Mormon. When I got that book, I didn't feel quilt anymore. They also gave me cell phone numbers of missionaries and the leader of the church in my area (still don't know correct name). The weekend was very full, so I didn't have much time to read.

    After I went to home and I was unpacking, I took the book out of my bag, and I opened that website. I studied those missionary lectures, and found 3. Nephi 11, which is, at least I believe so, greatest thing ever written.

    I'm not yet sure, is this what's true, but I've found something that hasn't ever been in my life before. Not sure what it is, but I definitely will find out. My life has always been great, I'm valuable member of society, I even have my name twice in finnish wikipedia because I've achieved something, but this just feels so great and different. I haven't missed it earlier because everything was great, but now I know I have to find out is this what I think it is, or something else.

  6. Hi, this is my first post to this forum, and I hope this isn't in wrong section. I was choosing between this and advice board, but eventually chose this. English isn't my first language, so if you don't understand something, please tell about it. And if this is in wrong section, is it possible to move to the correct one?

    Please, if you're under 18 or very sensitive, don't read further.

    So, I'm 24 years old male from northern europe, not member of any church and I've considered myself atheist about 10 years. I'm always been interested about religions, even that I don't (didn't?) believe in any god. Every religion was missing something. This autumn I started to study mormonism as an hobby (I don't count that 15 minutes in 7th grade as study, it wasn't even close what mormonism is really about), actually from anti-mormon website, and something weird happened. Now I'm reading Book of Mormon every day, and still thinking should I attend to the sacrament meeting at my local church. I'm still a bit confused...

    Now I'm struggling with my current life and history. Being an atheist means that I've thought there's no any god or holy spirit, which is forbidden (there would be better way to say that, but I hope you understand). I smoked my first cigarette when I was 14, and now I smoke regulary. I drink alcohol, since almost every university student does that, and it's part of our culture. I've also used coffee and tea, but I've given up with those and started to drink hot chocolate instead. I have masturbated numerous times and had premaritial sex thousands of times (it's normal here, my 17 partners is about average for guy who's at my age and isn't married), few times group sex and lived with my girlfriend without marriage. I believe from law of chasity the only thing I haven't done is gay sex. This does sound bad, doesn't it?

    On the other hand, I've always obeyed laws of my country, if not counting few speeding tickets. I've never stolen anything or hurted anyone in a purpose.

    So, my problem is that I believe I've broken about every single rule in mormonism. This is quite hard for me, since I haven't felt that I'm doing something wrong, ever. My question is, would I ever become worthy, in eyes of local ward or in front of God? Would I even be baptized if I wanted to?

    I'm not familiar with organisation of mormon church, I could contact to local bishop, but it's bit hard since there's no bishop in the city I'm living. Is the leader of the church of the area (that's direct translation, but the guy who's in charge but isn't called bishop) doing the same stuff? I'm also bit concerned about how he would react if I'd confess all this to him.

    Any couraging words are also welcome. Please, don't judge me because I've done all that, I had no idea that it could be wrong in any kind. Our culture is much different from american culture.