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Posts posted by Atlantis

  1. What we term right is limited to our understanding of right! For example: Is killing right? After the flood was is right or wrong for Noah's (Adam too) children to marry in the family? You can't tell children everything but allow understanding through time to enlighten their little minds. There is no other way. Joseph Smith speaking to the Twelve once said: If I were to tell all the things I know about God and the Kingdom of God, I feel that you would rise up and kill me yourself. This makes one realise that even the Twelve have much to learn, how much more do we therefore? Were we told everything by Heavenly Father it would like a Parent telling his children about sex, you wonder what would they hear? The good part of the bad of it!

  2. Though earth is a probationary state, "acting" is not limited to this state of life for we will still do much after death. Remember the same sociality which exists here will still after death and Alma says all things will be restored to their proper order, corruption to corruption and so forth. Which means if I will be who I am currently, in the the spirit world, then I will still be capable of sin and righteousness as spirit because we take who we are there not our bodies. Proxy is proxy because of body where it not so baptisms would be performed in spirit world. The one sin I'm sure we cant commit in spirit world in is murder since spirit in eternal so how to kill it is a tough one.