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Posts posted by FunDip

  1. -We don't touch other people's potties (this actually deals with oral sex generally without having to explain all the ways people touch other people's "potties")

    My husband and I have already taught that no one is to touch our boys' penises (penii? lol) or butts with any part of their body. We will touch on the STI aspect of that, but that pretty much covers petting, oral sex, and other various things. :)
  2. Thank you all for your responses! We most likely will touch on oral and gays, but from a Gospel standpoint and not the way the school was going to do it. We already have a pretty open dialogue with him about this stuff and so far his friends have introduced him to any heavy stuff. Luckily he has good friends, but I know that it could happen at any time.

    Thank you Irishcolleen, viannqueen3, and Wingnut for the safety aspect. Do you think 10 years old is appropriate for rape talk? :o I wish I could just keep him innocent!

  3. Hello everyone!

    My son's 5th grade class is starting their "growing and changing" series soon and the teachers held a meeting for parents. After looking at their materials, my husband and I both felt like we should opt out of the class and teach him on our own. (The materials mention oral sex, homosexuality, and a few other things that we feel are too in-depth for him to know at this point.)

    I have the Church's "A Parent's Guide", but I'm looking for others that may have gone through something similar. We will be teaching him about puberty, reproduction, and the law of chastity. Since he is the only one opting out his teacher has agreed to let me provide worksheets for him to do during that time.

    Thanks for any thoughts!

  4. Bini,

    Years ago, my then 15 month old baby was headed for general anesthesia to get 4 crowns on his front teeth because his enamel was chipping away. It was a genetic thing, nothing we could've done to prevent it or fix it. I believed with all my heart that God could heal those teeth. I asked my husband to give the baby a blessing that his teeth would be healed and the surgery could be avoided, but my husband didn't feel like that was appropriate.

    So as a mother I pleaded with Heavenly Father to heal my babies teeth. I prayed and prayed and prayed. I KNEW it could be done. And I still believe that He could've done it. In fact, I believe I was seeing some improvement in his teeth, but not enough to avoid being put under. The morning of the "surgery" I woke up and my heart was full. I was calm and at peace. I know that Heavenly Father performed a miracle in my heart that day. For whatever reason he needed to have that surgery done. But everything went smoothly and I knew that God loved me.

    It is my prayer that if this surgery is needed for you, that you may have the same miracle performed in your heart. :)

  5. Hi Bini, I've been lurking on this site for a few months but had to join today because I am a "birth-junkie" (it's my favorite topic). Anyway, I have 4 children and 4 different birth stories.

    #1 - 9 days late, water sprung a leak. Had pitocin, epidural, got to 10cm, pushed for 3.5 hours with no luck. Dr was very, very, VERY good to let me come to the c/s conclusion on my own. I had my husband give me a blessing and I was hoping he would pronounce the power to birth the baby on me, but it wasn't like that. ;) The c/s was hard on me emotionally because it's the one thing I wanted to avoid. Baby was 9.5 lbs and I truly think that my pelvis never spread because I was on my back the entire labor.

    #2 - 5 days early, went into labor on my own. My only goal for this birth was a vbac. The hospital wouldn't admit me until I was at 5cm and that was really hard for me because I had NO tools in my bags of tricks to cope with natural labor. Epidural at 5cm, water broke on its own, 20 minutes of pushing resulted in a healthy 7'14 baby.

    #3 - I was interested in natural childbirth and was doing hypnobirth. My sister was my "doula" and my goal was "to see how far I could get" without drugs. Went into labor at 38 weeks, foolishly let them break my water to speed things up about 5cm and could deal with the pain. As soon as I got the epi they checked me and I was ready to push. :S Baby was born (after waiting for Dr to arrive) 7.5lbs. Dr told me he stuck his hand up inside me and that my c/s scar felt great. I was not happy that he did that without my knowledge.

    #4 - I was on the "natural or bust"' wagon. Had midwives that practiced with the same OBs that delivered my last two. Went into labor 2 weeks early, was at the hospital 11 hours and delivered 9'2 baby with hand up by his head. The midwives were SO much more accommodating to natural birth!

    Sorry, that's probably TMI, but I would absolutely recommend you look for an OB/midwife that will allow you a trial vbac. It sounds to me like you didn't have "failure to progress" but that your Dr had "failure to be patient"! I learned that my body stalls often in labor when I change environments or someone new comes in. We can't all be expect to have textbook labors (if there is even such a thing).

    Also, take advantage of your right to revelation and priesthood blessings. If a vbac is something you shouldn't try, I believe you can gain that knowledge for yourself. :)

    Good luck!