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Posts posted by daenvgiell

  1. What are you expecting? What are your thoughts of someone who is "making progress?" How do you know someone is making progress or worthy? What makes you think you aren't worthy?

    I'm wondering if your expectations are too high or unrealistic.

    Well I feel like I'm pretty much in the same place I was 4 years ago, not understanding how the spirit works with me, if I even feel the spirit, why I still continually have doubts. I thought they would have gone by now if I stuck at it, but here I still am. As for worthiness, I feel like because I have all these doubts therefore I don't "know" and therefore I do not qualify as worthy.

    Do you keep a journal?

    It's hard to see the progress when we are always stuck in the now and can't look back at where we were before. We keep looking forward (or at others) expecting ourselves to be in certain places or certain states of being, and when we find we still aren't there, we get frustrated and start thinking we are getting nowhere.

    I sort of keep a journal. I write in it every now and then, but that's about it. I have re read some of the things and feel like I have gotten somewhere only to be faced with all the doubts all over again and then feel as if yes I've still gotten nowhere.

    If i may ask, in what ways do you feel you are not progressing? To me it sounds like you have obtained the knowledge of the spirit and carry it. You are trying to answer questions to which that you feel. In what areas of the gospel do you feel lacking in?

    I feel like I'm not progressing because I don't think I feel the spirit, or if I do I don't recognise it. Also because I am still doubting after all this time. I just don't get it. I try to be the best kind of person I can be, I try to do all the right things and yet I still don't feel like I have all the pieces together.

    What makes you say that it sounds like I have obtained the knowledge?

  2. Do you think you might be dealing with some depression? Is there a history of depression in your family? Sometimes depression can cause us to be hopeless about the future and have excessive guilt.

    I'm not sure if there is a history of depression in my family, but I didn't think there was. If it was depression though would I generally be a happy person, because I am, it's just when it comes to the gospel and everything associated with it that gets me down, just the fact that I feel like I'm not getting it right and not understanding which is why I'm still struggling, I don't understand why this has gone on for 4 years now, I feel like I'm not making any progress.

  3. Hi guys me again... for those of you who remember me.

    I am still struggling with doubts and am unsure all the time. I live a good life (well I try to) I go to church every week, I try and read/study the scriptures every day, I pray every day and I still feel like I'm getting no where. I also have 2 callings. Relief Society music director and Stake YSA secretary. I am trying to understand but I feel like I don't feel/recognise the spirit, rather that I'm just plodding along in my life. I feel lost and confused and like I'm missing something but I just can't seem to catch a break. I want to go to the Temple, but I feel like I can't go when I have all of these thoughts, like I'm not worthy.

    What more can I do? I want to beat this, but I feel like I can't. :(

  4. So here's my dilemma. I've just finished my undergraduate course, and I have now gone into a masters of teaching, however I'm not entirely sure if I want to be doing it anymore. It may provide me with a good back up plan, but now I'm not so sure I even want it. I will have to study for another year and a half which isn't long, but I'm having trouble feeling motivated. I did my undergrad in dance, and therefore am currently enrolled in learning to be a teacher of dance in high schools, but I don't think I want to deal with all the syllabus and lesson plans and having to break down and understand every minute thing. This all looks likes its in the direction of I should drop out.

    What are your thoughts?

  5. Ok so several of you on here have seen me post about this dilemma I had for quite some time.

    I just want to know, is it possible for someone to have a testimony and believe in the church and it's teachings, but not realise it?

    Also, say someone isn't sure, can they still go inside the Temple? I know that they have the questions do you believe in heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, do you believe in Church, but I still feel like I can't say yes to them whole heartedly. I want to be able to go to the Temple, but I don't want to lie to get a recommend either.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

  6. Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?


    Like Cupid you know how to spread love. You have a place in your heart for everyone and are always there with a hug or a kiss

    Find out which of Santa's Reindeer you are at Quizopolis.com

    Which of Santa's Reindeer are you?

    Mistletoe Kisses

    This Christmas you will receive the following kisses under the mistletoe:

    46 kisses on the cheek

    48 kisses on the lips

    15 make out sessions

    Find out how many kisses you will get under the mistletoe this Christmas

    Mistletoe Kisses

    Woohoo! Lots of loving for me... does the man come included?

  7. I have just finished my University Degree so I now have a Bachelor of Dance! YAY as for next year I am going to continue studying in a Master of Teaching (Secondary) so more exciting things for me. I am also in a new youth type dance company and also auditioning for another one. Lots to do with dance for me. Woohoo!

  8. Well I still would have gone for the walk, but he didn't seem to keen after the thunder came. I will definitely cash in on the rain check, however I feel that it will be a way away because I have my mother coming over for a week and a bit this week and I'm in my final weeks of uni so I may have to wait, better late than never I suppose.

    What do you consider to be "good weather"?

  9. So I finally asked the guy I'm interested in if he'd like to go on a walk. We had it all planned I was looking forward to it and then...


    I HATE the weather...

    He invited me to his place instead to play boardgames, which I didn't really want to play but I was going to go, until his house mate decided to put a movie on, which they said I was welcome to join them, however I wasn't going to head over until a little but later and the movie was going on straight away. So I told them I would catch up with them another time.

    Anyway just had to rant and get that out, so peeved that I worked up the courage and all systems were go until the weather changed. At least he asked for a raincheck, but that's besides the point.

    I still hate the weather...

  10. Watch the film "As Good as it Gets" with Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt. When it gets to the part where they are dining and he tells her, "I'm a better person for having known you", you just nudge your boyfriend and say that you feel the same way.

    Haha, he's not my boyfriend ;) Just been on a couple of dates, not sure if there will be anymore, but we hang out in a group of friends quite a bit so yeah.

    Thanks for your input Ryan, I just briefly thanked him in person, but didn't go into detail, and I will prolong the formal thanks. It's always good to get a males perspective on situations.

  11. Ok so complicated situation, I have a friend, that I like... been on 2 dates with him, and who knows if it's going to go anywhere, that's not the main issue, what I want to do is thank him for the fun times that I had with him, but more importantly I want to thank him for the example he has set for me, for just being the person he is because he makes me want to be a better person and to understand the gospel even more.

    I was wondering, would it be better to talk to him face to face and thank him, or would it be better/nicer to post him a letter. I'm worried about being face to face, he makes me a little nervous as I said because I like him, but don't know if the feelings are returned, but I also don't want to just send him a letter in the mail because maybe that gives off the impression that I can't say it to his face? I don't know, I'm confused. I just want to do something nice to say thanks, but I'm not sure how to go about it.

    What are your opinions on this situation?

  12. Yes I've been going to the same Ward since I moved state, I went to a friend awhile ago and talked to her... she met with me once and then never asked about it again, funnily enough I'm seeing her tomorrow to talk to her, lets see what happens this time. Other than that, I haven't talked to anyone, there have been several times where I have wanted to, but I've never worked up the courage since the first time.

  13. If it's hard to feel alone, then why do I feel alone, I've gone from being one of the only members in high school, to the only member at uni, they teach such different stuff there, it confused me, thankfully I haven't had to do any of their "faith" classes this year. I may have friends at uni, but I also feel like I'm a different person when I'm with them, I still feel like an outsider because I'm different, and this past week I've even wondered what I'm even doing trying to get into the dance industry when what dance requires is almost opposite to what the church teaches, I feel like I can't do both.

    I'm also a swimming teacher, I used to love my job, and now I hate it. There are so many things I don't understand about myself anymore, i don't even recognise me anymore.

    I feel like all of this has gone off topic...

  14. Daenvgiell, I have found that sometimes when someone does not have a testimony of something, they have to live it first, and then the knowledge comes. Take tithing for example, from the outside looking in it makes no sense to give away 10% of your income...but when you do, the blessings come, somehow they just do.

    I would suggest that you bide your time on getting the answer you are expecting, and instead focus on learning one principle at a time and trying it out...like family scripture study, or Sabbath worship, family home evening, fasting, just pick something that is taught that we should do and try it out for a while...give it 6 weeks and see if there is a difference in the feeling of your home. Then pick something else and do it also, look for the difference in your life.

    Sometimes the testimony is in the fruits of what we do. If we do good things, there will be good results.

    So what then if I have? I pay my tithing, no questions asked, I read/study my scriptures every day, I pray every day, I keep the word of wisdom, etc etc... I have been doing this for quite some time now.

    Maybe I should add that I am a YSA. Living in on the other side of the country to my family, so I feel alone a lot of the time, I've had one of my sisters here with me for this year, but she's been away for a little while at the moment and doesn't get back for another few weeks. (Just thought you should know my situation a little bit as well). I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's hard on my own.

    Thankyou for your insights.

  15. Would it have made a difference if her to-be was very rich?

    Or if it was a temple marriage?

    The Traveler

    No money is not an issue to me.

    It will be a temple marriage later, he's a new convert so they can't go to the Temple yet.

    Do you have a secret crush on your sister's fiancee? If not, then there's no reason to not be excited about their engagement...

    Haha... no I don't have a secret crush on him.

    I am more excited than I was before, I was given permission to tell others so that has helped me be excited.

  16. "If you are reading the Book of Mormon, praying,and going to church, there is no way you are not going to feel the spirit, its just up to you if you want to accept it or not. Jesus is knocking on the door,we just have to open up the door to him."

    Ok so I know this is off topic, but I have a question about this. What about the people who do all of those things and feel like they have opened the door, yet still feel like they are not feeling the spirit?

  17. So I've had the feeling that I want to do a talk in scrament meeting. I'm at a point at the moment where I am yearning for more learning (ok that was not intended to come out like that). Do I just go up to the presidency and ask if I could give a talk soon, or do I just have to wait until I am given one?

  18. Ok so just to let you all know, the date went really well :)

    Another question... hmmm maybe this should be in the advice forum and not here...

    So the guy who I went on a date with indicated that there would be a next time. I just want your opinions on another matter, sort of. There's another guy who I was interested in before this new one, now I'm not saying he will, but if he asks me on a date, would it be wrong of me to accept it? even though I may possibly like the new one better?