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Posts posted by alythemom

  1. Hi Everyone!

    I'm Aly and I live in Utah. I've been a member my whole life. I recently went through my second divorce (how depressing is that). I'm the mom of 5 amazing kids ages 17-2. My oldest is from the first marriage and the other 4 are from my second.

    My first marriage failed when my ex (who was a convert) decided he no longer believed in the church, and wanted us to have an 'open' marriage. He was also heavily into porn.

    My second marriage ended due to abuse.

    Although this is not the situation I planned on being in, I'm determined to make lemonade out of the lemons life has handed to me.


  2. I just went through my second divorce. There were some major (abuse) problems in my marriage. I talked to my bishop about it about 8 years ago. He threatened me and said, "You have already let one marriage fail, if you walk away from this marriage you will have a lot to account for someday." (It's irrelevant but my first marriage failed because my ex left the church and wanted us to have an 'open' marriage.)

    My Bishop scared me into staying in an abusive marriage for much, much longer than I should have. Fast forward to this year, the abuse only got worse in time. I separated from my husband at the beginning of the summer and our divorce was finalized at the end of Aug. When I counseled with my Bishop (different ward from where we were 8 years ago) on my situation he said the Church discourages Bishops from counseling in either direction. But, he told me to rely on the Spirit and do whatever I am prompted to do. The Spirit made it very clear that leaving my marriage was the only option for me. I also attended the temple to verify what I felt. Also, later in a Priesthood blessing I was told I made the right decision.

    Bishops are not perfect and sometime their personal biases can get in the way. I need to find a way to forgive my Bishop 8 years ago for his bad advice and threats to me. If all else fails, have your bishop read to you from the Handbook about the church's position on abuse.

    Best of luck to you.