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Posts posted by Star_

  1. Again, I'd like to point out that the source of that joint a day is an important consideration.

    Who grew your buddy's joints over the decades? Was it the local businessman, the guy with ties to Colombia, or one of the transnational criminal organizations? Has the cash your buddy's been pouring into organizations that kidnap children and sell them into sex slavery? Has it even crossed his mind once over the decades to wonder?

    That is an excellent point that is tragically ignored. Sadly, the illegal drug market in the United States is practically a global gold mine.

    Drug Trafficking in the United States

  2. I have asked about this as well. I was told by the priesthood president in my ward that IF it's prescribed by a doctor (in the case of medical marijuana) it is treated just like that, as medicine in the eyes of the church right now.

    However, I personally still think it's not a good thing.

    winterstar- Why do you still think it's not a good thing? By the way, I like your name. It's more creative than mine. :)

  3. I voted against the legalization up here in Washington, but everything thought they could avoid getting in trouble. They were wrong.

    Regardless I am personally against drugs, and I doubt the WoW would be modified at all in regards to drugs. And well it still violates federal law.

    If marijuana became legal though (big hypothetical IF I know), would would be the difference between getting high off of cleaning supplies or prescription drugs and getting high off of marijuana? Prescription drugs are still drugs and people can become addicted and get high off of them. Yet prescription drugs are not against the WoW if used correctly.

  4. Nothing is OK that defiles the body and makes you lose control.

    Yes but abusing prescription medications or smelling cleaning supplies can defile the body and make you lose control. I don't think removing all cleaning supplies from the house or not taking any medication (even an aspirin) is necessary.

  5. From For the Strength of YouthAvoid any drink, drug, chemical, or dangerous practice that is used to produce a “high” or other artificial effect that may harm your body or mind. Some of these include marijuana, hard drugs, prescription or over-the-counter medications that are abused, and household chemicals. Use of these substances can lead to addiction and can destroy your mind and your body.

    So I wonder if marijuana happens to become legal, it will be church okay to use as long as you don't get high off of it. As this states, there are many legal and church approved things you can get high off of.

  6. When THC/marijuana is Rx'd for medical reasons (chemo, glaucoma, etc.), Im 100% behind its use

    I have thought about that. If "medical' marijuana can help chemo patients, why not? They suffer tremendously from the side effects of chemo! Then again, would they become addicted?