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Posts posted by Gravy

  1. I joined the church 15 years ago, soon after college. After joining, I learned more about the restored gospel which wasn't previously taught or relevant before I was baptized. This caused great conflict, it really tested my faith. So, for the past 15 years, I have fluctuated between activity and non-activity. The times of inactivity have come mainly because I have been TIRED. Tired of the internal struggle. And tired of being alone in what really is a different world (for someone raised Catholic). My times of activity have been strongly influenced by my desire to do what is best for my family.

  2. I am so sorry for your friend. Like many others, I think it is mostly a legal issue.

    But I do have something to say about how many in the church might be too quick to judge someone's OUTWARD appearance. My husband has been a member all his life. I converted 15 years ago. It has been such a struggle for me. It seems like I attend church for a few years, get tired of the struggle, then stop for a few years. The cycle continues. But my husband goes to church EVERY week, without fail. That's ALL he does, though. He has never been there for me, spiritually or emotionally. He doesn't lead our family (four children). Yet I'm sure when people in our ward see me attending church less or not at all, they think I'm the one with issues :) Yes, I have issues -- I need someone with a strong testimony to bounce my ideas and concerns off of. And my husband has completely bailed in that department. Yet I am sure he is seen as Mr. Model Mormon ;) Meanwhile, even when I don't attend church, I live a very worth life --- Just remember, you never know what is really going on. I imagine one of the hardest things for your friend is to know that her "husband/x" is revered so highly despite all of his horrible shortcomings.

  3. My husband and I had been dating for a year and a half before he went on his mission. I was not a member of the church and had no idea what he was leaving for 2 years to do. We were so so close, it broke our hearts to leave one another. But we lived by the motto: "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours forever. If it doesn't, it was never yours to begin with". I wrote him almost every day, finished college, and we picked up right where we left off when he got home.

    I share this story for a number of reasons. I had NO concepts of the blessings of missionary work. You do. We got through it and if is meant to be, you will too. A decade and a half later, we have a great life and four beautiful children.

    Good luck!!

  4. I don't have any insight to your patriarchal blessing, but I do know a little bit about what you are going through. I have had four knee surgeries in the past 20 months. I have gone from being extremely active to barely being able to walk. Ever time I receive some news, it is beyond horrible. I feel like there is such a dark cloud hanging over me! I've always been an extremely positive and happy person but I'm ready to shout-- enough already!!! :). So hang in there! Our circumstances are different but somewhat similar. Good luck!

  5. Hmcd, I have enjoyed reading this post and hope it helps you. As background, I joined the church 15 years ago, after my (now) husband and I had been dating for a few years. Ever since, I have struggled with various aspects of the church and have had bouts of inactivity, mostly just because I was TIRED of the internal struggle :(.

    My husband is a great man, went on a mission, but keeps everything to himself. My faith journey during these past 15 years has been very very lonely. I often think about how much better things would have been if I'd had ONE person to talk openly with, to discuss my concerns with, to know that they loved me unconditionally despite my doubts. So that's what I'd do if I were you. I am "active" right now but I still dont believe in anything other than basic Christianity. I go to church for my family, which is very difficult.

    Just let him know that you love him unconditionally, listen to his doubts, don't judge him or try to sway his feelings. Meanwhile, live life like you know how to live it. I think he will come around :-). Good luck!