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Posts posted by Bullfighter

  1. Hey y'all

    I'm a longtime lurker of the online LDS forums but have been reluctant to get involved in any discussions, content to just read and learn. I finally got around to making an account last month but my reticence remained. I suppose online interactions are a worrisome thing for me, too often I feel that the limitations of text and distance strip the humanity and good nature from our words and intents - a trap I very much desire to avoid. However, having observed that the majority of posters on these forums seem for the most part to have good intents, I have decided to give active involvement a try. Here's hoping I both obtain and contribute something of value.

    A very little bit about myself, I am from the most Mormon of heritages imaginable, my forbearers all joined the church in the times of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. If your membership traces back to the same time, nice to meet you cousin! - with double digit polygamists in my family tree odds are pretty good that we're related. However, if you think it means a cotton-picking thing in terms of righteousness, you should probably stay away from our reunions.... I wouldn't mention it at all, but, at least in my particular case, family history - combined with well-versed parents and to some extent my own curiosities - has afforded me an uncommon (in my observation) perspective of many things Mormon.

    Growing up, many of the topics that the average member or ex-member may find troubling were common knowledge and discussion points in my home. Polygamy/polyandry, Elijah Abel, Danites, the KSS, early mysticism, and the like were not uncomfortable deep doctrine or little known facts but rather family history more or less. Awareness and proximity acclimatized my thoughts and as my faith developed over the years it has shaped and shifted to account for these things. In my mind's eye it's like water covering rocks. I wish they weren't there so the swimming were safe, but it quenches my thirst all the same.

    The result? Well, my views are often unorthodox, but I believe they are well founded. I'm not entirely certain where I belong within the LDS community, as an active member with the right boxes checked off the TBM boards seem to fit, but I do sympathize and even agree with many of our Middle Way, NOM, or exmo friends. In my view, I am trying to live right, the best way I know how, and none of these groups are a perfect fit. I hope we can help each other all get where we are trying to go. Glad to be here.

    I will try and maintain username consistency across forums, so if you frequent any others, I'll see you around!
