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Posts posted by qrich4567

  1. I have been praying really hard about this and I just got this prompting that I should look in this drawer in my desk where I keep various papers and such. When I rummaged through them I found one sheet of paper I forgot to send into the community college. I quickly filled it out and put it in the mail. I am still praying about my decisions and choices for which schools to attend and I have started my fatwa and discovered some more scholarships. I truley feel that without the lords help I wouldn't have been able to make it through this or known to look In that drawer.

  2. I'm a senior in High School and I live in a very small town in Wyoming. My family has always been poor and I've been expected to pay for college myself by getting scholarships. My grades are good and so I should be getting good scholarship offers. I thought that I had decided where I wanted to go to school. That I would stay close to home and go to the community college in the neighboring town just 30 miles away. This school has a small tuition and I should be able to afford it with scholarships. However, it is now January and I sent in my application almost 4 months ago. I haven't heard back from this school about an acceptance letter or any scholarship offers. Neither of my parents know what we need to do to complete scholarship applications or do any of the paperwork so I am starting to get worried about whether or not I'm going to be able to go to school. The other day I received a letter in the mail with a scholarship offer to a large school in Nebraska. It was a full years tuition which leaves me questioning my plan I had and what I want to do. I have never felt so confused in my life. I have gone to my patriarchal blessing in search of answers to questions about my future specifically about my education and have come up empty. I feel so lost and I don't know where to turn. Does anybody have any ideas about what I can do? I don't feel like I can talk to my parents because they haven't had to do this process before and every time I try to talk to them I feel like they shut me out. What do I do?