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Posts posted by count58

  1. Hiya, I am a mum of two 3yrs and 21mths, i am working partime and my partner is about to start work again fulltime and i really dont see a problem with you wanting to work if you like a little extraq money and what not go for it, just be aware that working and having children can be very overwhelming depending on what you are or want to do and how the child/ren is. Im sure your child will be fine in daycare i was more worried about the whole daycare thing until i found one i really liked then i was fine so maybe you just need to work out how much itll cost for her to go and just work things out slowly taking one little step at a time like i did and it was the best thing i ever done :)

  2. Wow Sharky, that was an amazing speech. big thumbs up for that it was beautiful. As i say im not religious or anything like that, but all you can do really is teach your child right from wrong good and bad whats acceptable and whats not etc and just love them unconditionally for the rest of your life. You do not have to love the way they do things or approach situations but as long as your there for them and they know your there for them and that you love them very much it is all you can really do for them.

  3. Wow she is stunning very beautiful. I love her style of writing, she looks to be the artistic type of person. Yes New Zealand is a beautiful place depending on where you go. Wellington is generally the most windiest place so would probably be great for kiteboarding. You are lucky to have such a gorgeous daughter. Maybe you and your family should come for a visit to New Zealand, Christchurch can be a bit shaky from time to time with all the earthquakes we have but it is still a nice place to come the beaches are often really nice to be at too in the summer time.

  4. He sounds like he has it all food, clothes, a loving family etc everythiing a person could need. In my personal opinion i would have him sent to juvie cause in theory he wont be able to get his hands on any drugs and when he gets out if he still has the same problems put him into rehab. I think your parents need to be alot more harder on him as difficult as it may be for them but generally grounded means no tv no phone of any sort no computer no ipod no friends over no anything but sitting at home all day doing nothing except maybe a bit of cleaning and cooking which by the sounds of things is the least he could given the circumstances, you may think its harsh but it may just pull him into line failing all that send him to an army cadet thing where they are taught discipline and all sorts of other things because thats what id be doing if i were in your shoes. Hope this helps

  5. My partner and i are having issues on the same thing i would love nothing more then to have another baby but he doesnt want anymore. We already have two little boys and they are the best thing apart from him that has happened to me in my life. I want one more whether it be a boy or girl (preferably a girl) but he doesnt as he keeps saying to me "two's enough we dont need anymore" but yet somehow i am struggling to come to terms with being told no more kids. I thought gee whiz come on love its only one more, i have so much love and devotion to give but no one else to give it to hence why i have a partner a 3yr old dog, 3yr old son, 2 yr old cat 21mth old son and a 1yr-18mth old kitten/cat i have time for all of them i love my family so much and i dont want to go behind my partners back and stop using contraception but i feel he's being unreasonable. Whats everyones opinion on this matter?

    Bini i can kind of relate because my partner has used the words i might get myself snipped and i was mostly upset given that he had never even mentioned anything like this to me ever before so as far as i know were just going to wait and see what the future holds in store for us maybe you and your partner could do the same and just hope for the best and see what happens

  6. When i was a baby my mum would cook and mash up a range of vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflour, pumpkin, silverbeat, potatos, carrots or anything that you could mash she would then place a poached egg on top and wella there you have a healthy meal for your child. Works great in most cases from time to time my family and i will still have a meal like that, you could also try an omelette and chuck in other things that your child likes or just do the whole trial and error thing and see what he will and wont eat i guess its all in what you want to make for him/the family there is a website i go to its to do with eggs but its more to do with what you can make/create with eggs i hope i dont get into trouble for this but the website is Eggs Inc I hope you can access this from where you are as i know its a New Zealand website. Hope this helps :)

  7. I wouldnt worry about it too much as my 21mth old wakes up between 7am and 9am sometimes he will have his afternoon sleep around 1-2pm then up around 5-6pm has tea and the normal routine and back in bed between 8-10pm on the days he gets up around 8am sometimes he wont have his afternoon sleep and will go to bed about 8pm and sleep until morning. My 3yr old is different again sometimes he'll wake up the same time as his brother he doesnt have an afternoon sleep and he'll go to bed at 8pm other mornings he's slept until 10-11am so it all depends on the child themselves sometimes they may sleep longer because their little bodies need it and sometimes it could be the sign of them getting sick or they are sick. Id just go with the flow and let the baby sleep for however long they need to as they will let you know when they want to get up or want to go back to sleep :)

  8. Wow what a beautiful young lady she is. If i had a daughter as gorgeous as yours i'd be stoked! :D anyway everyones taste is a little different personally i love the way she does her make up it makes her eyes stand out. If i owned a modelling agency i would have to say i would honestly want her to be a model for teenagers as there style and dress sense is different to ours and i like it. Im only 22 myself and i have cousins around her age and they all wear the make up like she does no matter what the conditions are or where they are going just like myself so i dont see anything wrong with it. Parent to parent its ok to be concerned but the way she looks is completely normal for her age especially if you lived in New Zealand. As for tattoos and piercings, i got my belly button pierced when i was 14 with my Mums consent and got my first tattoo when i was 17 most of my family have something pierced or a tattoo so i dont have a problem with getting them just no tattoos until shes older

  9. I dont think it will make much of a difference when you go away as i have two boys, oldest being just over 3yrs and youngest being 21mths as there is 18months between them. It doesnt matter what you do, where you go, or whose around kids are gonna do it whether you like it or not unfortunately. I have this problem every day with my boys. normally first thing in the morning when they wake up one starts squealing and then the other starts we live in a three bedroom house and my partner and i are in the middle room and to hear the squealing first thing in the morning is a bit much to comprehend for me as my ears are not the best during the day its not so bad cause you can send them outside providing the weather is right but i have not yet found a way to stop them from squealing if i do ill be sure to let you know!!!! Also as for the whole biting thing, bite her back. And when i say bite i dont mean as hard as she did haha my 21mth old is still in that stage getting alot better now as he hasnt bitten anyone in a while now but my suggestion is grab her hand apply a little bit of pressure to her hand with your teeth as soon as she gives you a reaction let go and say whatever it is you tell her when telling her off for biting, mine is usually you bit mummy and it hurt its not nice dont do it again or youll go to time out or ill bite you back something along those lines anyway. I know its not much but hope it helps. Good Luck :)

  10. Hey about those child harnesses, my Mum had one for me and she said it was the best thing she ever had for me when going out because i was always running off and being naughty while out shopping. I use to think a few months ago that it was cruel to put a child in the harness but these days you can buy some really cool ones. One of my auntys brought a butterfly backpack harness for her daughter and it worked well on her too. So i give thumbs up for the child harnesses as im seriously thinking about getting one for my 3yr old cause they just work so well :)

  11. Hi there, I am new to this website and im not really religious and i dont go to church although i have done in the past when i was alot younger. I can see your issue and understand it but i think if you just pray and talk to people you trust you will get through it. He may not want to go to church or anything religious but he may still have the faith and pray without you even knowing. Im not against religious people or anything like that cause im not that type of person but i think punishing him for something you want him to do that he doesnt want to in this aspect is harsh as when people get older things change and maybe hes just not into anymore. All you can do is just do the best job at raising him that you can do have faith pray and ask him from time to time if he has changed his mind or what other intrests does he have etc. I wish i could of helped more. Good luck and keep praying im sure your doing a great job and that your a fantastic parent :)

  12. Hi Apricotpopcorn, I am a Mum of two 3yrs and 21mths, i agree with Anddenex, one day out of seven wont hurt the wee guy to sleep in your arms but it does depend on the child themselves. If he will sleep in your arms and the cot thats great it means he will sleep in your arms while your at church or another option is to get in a babysitter maybe the wee guys grandparents or someone else you trust to look after him in your house so he can sleep in the cot. I havent really had that problem with my kids as they will sleep anywhere if they are tired enough. Sorry i couldnt be much more help to you but do hope this helps you a little more. And welcome to parenthood :)

  13. Hi DeborahC, thanks for the welcoming dance it is much appreciated and if i could do a dance to say hello and nice to meet you i would but sadly im not as talented as you are :D, thanks again and hope you have a wonderful day/night.

  14. Haha thats funny, i like the way you put that. But yes i am from New Zealand :) Beautiful place to be depending on where you go. I have a friend who does tours and takes people all over the world but recently done one of New Zealand what part of USA are you from?

  15. Thats great to hear. I am planning on spending some quality time with my family (partner and two little boys) It is only Thursday today so i still have a couple of days to plan our weekend but if the weather stays great like it is at the moment a trip to the beach may be in order with an ice cream for kiddies after :)

    I love my kids and with the troubles i have had in the past trying to have them i feel so blessed to have them in my life!