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Posts posted by Pintail73

  1. The difficulty for those who delve into your church's history is in how to balance the claims of being the restored church, run by modern prophets, with the reality that even prophets are must depend on God, and sometimes do not.

    Couple this with the how to make use of non-official and semi-official groups like FAIR, or even BYU's professors...even this site...and it can be difficult to know how to weigh the authoritativeness of various sources.

    One of my mentors was an admitted "in-house" historian for our denomination. Nevertheless, one day he assigned us a book by a Harvard theologian (Harvey Cox). Afterwards, we were to write our reviews. Most of us, myself included, got caught up in defending our church against all criticisms. Most of us got Bs. The professor told us that we had missed the author's point (observations and some gentle commentary), and got caught up in our own prejudices (the Ivy League is liberal and anti-supernatural). He was a tough professor, and I was one of his better students. Ironically, I learned more from that B than I did most of my As.

    Great insight PC. Thank you.

    "Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence." Robert Frost

  2. If you know of any inaccurate information on FAIR (not FAIRS) they are more than willing to correct it. Lately there has been a rash of accusations against FAIR by ex-Mormons who make similar claims to the one you are making right now. FAIR has asked what exactly is inaccurate with *any* of their information on their website and no one has produced any, instead they just attack FAIR. In my opinion, that is a good thing. If the anti-Mormons are mad at FAIR for what it does, then they must be doing something right :)

    Hi Livy111us,

    I have actually submitted information regarding certain subjects and indeed have had back and forth exchanges with different individuals. I have also seen language on the website and articles changed because of these types of exchanges. Whether it was directly because of myself or because of multiple people challenging the means to their answer provided at the same time is besides the point though.

    FAIR provides a service that's needed because of the historical and doctrinal lack of transparency over the years. I simply find some of their research and formed opinions to be questionable, hearsay, unverifiable ect. Everyone is free to make their opinion though provided by the information available. FAIR provides that 2nd tier level of faith promoting answers.

    There are many things that have happened in the past where there just isn’t a smoking gun to claims and accounts to assure something one way or another. All you find are dead bodies and blood (metaphorically speaking of course). My advice to the individual still stands as they should take the initiative and time to learn more about it from a variety of sources (including FAIR) and come to a conclusion on their own. A 20 minute scan of the FAIR site I believe isn’t enough.

    Have a great day!

  3. I've read many assumptions on the motives of this individual who has questions for you. Many people have real and valid concerns with how the church has controlled the narrative of it's historical accounts. It has hindered their faith in the organization. Obviously I don't know the individual you are speaking of so I can't comment on their actual motives, but in my opinion the LDS church has done it's members a disservice by providing plenty of "milk" but no "meat" in regards to historical and doctrinal topics. I was actually just speaking with a couple institute professors regarding this very subject recently and they voiced the same concerns.

    Having read many books and papers from a variety of historians, authors, BYU professors ect. on both sides and in-between (Bushman, Compton, Quinn, Hales, Palmer, Smith, Van Wagoner, Hancock, Barlow, Gordon to name just a few) You'll find that the standard church approved rhetoric regarding a variety of topics is not exactly what it seems. Some will simply read information on these topics from a variety of authors and find the analysis of the accounts "faith promoting" and others will find them detrimental to their belief in the church. Personally I don't find FAIRS to be the most objective source for material. Not to say that the majority of answers to questions from them I believe are invalid, but (in my opinion) I find more mental gymnastics needed to accepts some of their analysis-I'm just more of an Occam's Razor kind of person I guess so I'm willing to accept my own biases.

    I find that the church is one group of individuals attempt to understand spirituality and the divine. It's organized and run by mortals with many flaws. To believe that the church and it's leaders simply rolled through the last 175+ years without making small, medium and large mistakes is....well, naive.

    My advice would be to read from many of the authors listed above and begin to form an opinion for yourself. Don't make it a battle with the individual, show empathy and love for them. When you have a better understanding of the topics then discuss it with them if desired.

    My 2 cents anyways...

  4. My family. My wife is a believing member. Although I personally don't put much credence behind the one and only truth claims of the church, I do find many good and practical teachings in the organization and find value in being among like-minded individuals. Because of my wife's beliefs, and my beliefs in centering our family's character around Christ's teaching of love, empathy and service, it brings a harmony to our family. That's what matters to me.