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Posts posted by mbsheen

  1. Yes I'm female and they are make, thank you ill do that if I feel awkward and like it will be forced. Can I offer them a drink? I just am scared of what's appropriate. So glad I did read up on missionaries the first time. That they can't watch tv or listen to music hahahaha I made sure my sons shows weren't loud.

  2. Sorry if this is totally in the wrong tread. I'm new to lds. Obviously.. Haha! This sounds SO SILLY but tomorrow I'm having two elders and another women come over (I've only met the missionaries once) last time they were here they asked me to pray, I know the steps in which to pray. But I don't know what to pray about. To me praying feels so personal and I feel uncomfortable saying my thoughts with God out loud. Just uber uncomfortable. They said next time I have to pray before and after we talk because its my house. I've been like losing sleep thinking about what to say! I know it shouldn't be forced and come from my heart but I feel pressured now! Totally over thinking I know haha just feel so anxious meeting knew people and jumping into this new chapter of my life. Whilst having an understanding of the church, the practices, the history and am reading the Book of Mormon. Just still not knowing what to expect entirely!

    Also can the missionaries enter my home if they have a women with them? I'm not sure who she is. I know they can not enter my house without a male present. I don't want to have to ask at the door. AWKWARD!

  3. that's great, and how lucky to have such respect for each other.

    I think my partner is still just immature. I see potential in the person he could become.

    Not that he isn't good to a certain extent now.. he just lacks the maturity

    to show interest in me and LDS and ask about it and why i'm doing this.

    BECAUSE IT MATTERS TO ME. i support him in everything, even things i don't like.

    I want to be sealed for all eternity too, i was under the impression i could

    do so with a non LDS and the missionaries didn't tell me otherwise.

    At least being catholic you still have that relationship with God.

    I feel like that's what my partner is lacking, though I know I could never force him.

    I just feel if he did have some form of religion he would at least want the best for my kids

    And have better morals than he does. it's definitely hard

  4. Thought's on daycare please? I'm struggling with my son who is two this may, I wanted so much to be that stay at home mum. But it's too hard to handle - stuck inside, doing the SAME OLD BORING outdoor activities. I have a 4 week old girl too, but I feel like it will be good for him to be around other children. I would still have him most days and nurture him as i always have. But i feel guilty for some reason. Tired of tantrums & bad behaviour. Tried different discipline and he just has stopped listening to me all together. HELP!

  5. HELLO! I'm Marybeth.. 21 & mother of two, new member of LDS from Sydney Australia. Looking to connect with people who have the same beliefs and morals as myself, to seek support and give some too :)
  6. Hey there, I've joined this site to find some help and support.

    The holy ghost touched my heart whilst reading about LDS,

    I had never met a Mormon or missionary in my entire life!

    I studied LDS on my own terms and decided to contact missionaries.

    & have been meeting up with them.

    I am due to be baptized soon. I know in my heart it's all true &

    want my children to have what I now know to be true.

    I have two children, and a partner who isn't very supportive of my

    decision to be a member of LDS. Knowing what I now know from

    learning and reading the gospel.. my eyes have been opened to

    the person my partner really is and he isn't nice. He isn't supporting me,

    he is very cold and mean. He wants nothing to do with this, and doesn't

    show any interested or care what I'm going through (which being a

    mormon convert is a huge life changing thing to me) he flat out doesn't

    want to hear it. I don't know how to feel or what to do. I want to live

    true to the gospel, and that can either mean, marrying him (because we

    live together) or leave him. (we have been engaged for a year now!)

    I prayed to heavenly father to touch my partners heart as he has mine

    and to show him the truth. But I now see if he doesn't want to see the truth

    then he wont. I asked God what to do and that night I had a dream I

    left him and married a wonderful LDS man. I don't know if it was just a

    dream or Heavenly Father telling me I should get out of this while I can.

    Can people who believe in what we do, be with someone who doesn't?

    Can it work? Do you know of anyone who has made that work?

    Right now I'm feeling discouraged and sad. I feel like it can not happen.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thankyou.