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Posts posted by SoaringEagle

  1. I was baptized less than 2 years ago. I didn't pick either Elder nor the Elder who started the lessons. I picked my then boyfriend to baptize me. Now, I did find other roles for the Elders and ward members. Believe me, missionaries are happy for baptisms no matter who does the baptizing.

  2. 1. What religion do you subscribe to? (Since not all of us are LDS.)

    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

    2. Were you born into, or converted to your religion?

    Converted August 2012. My previous religion was non-practicing Presbyterian which I was not born into either. I had attended Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Evangelical Covenant, Catholic, Non-Denominational Churches before (just to name a few).

    3. Are you a devout, casual, or inactive member of your religion?

    I would guess the more devout side of casual. I attend weekly, my only calling is VT, and don't attend every thing due to work schedule. I also am not the best at reading my scriptures or prayer. I recently went to the Temple for my endowment.

    4. What is one core principle in your religion that you feel strongly about?

    Plan of Salvation, primarily pre-mortal existence. It is something that just made a lot of sense to me.

    5. What is one misconception that outsiders have about your religion?

    Polygamy is #1, Mormons are a cult is #2, and #3 is Mormons are NOT Christians. Those were the 3 things that came up when I mentioned to family that I was going to be baptized.

    6. Name one religion that fascinates you.

    Buddhism, Judaism (my fiancé's family history)

  3. I would be concerned if the account of the First Vision was repetitious. To me, it would feel like it was scripted if given exactly the same each time. Also, My impression would be also that some people, and this may be true of Joseph Smith, do not have an excellent memory for details and he may have given summarizations after giving his account of the First Vision many times.

  4. I have not really studied Mormonism much. Many years ago I read a book that talked about Joseph Smith, was that his name, and how he introduced a new religion. What is different in being a Mormon, to say me as a Christian. What distinguishes your religion?

    The biggest factor that distinguishes our religion is the belief in modern day prophets and continuing revelations from our Heavenly Father. I am a convert of 18 months and came from a background of many different protestant churches. I belief in God the Father, His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Three separate beings with one central purpose. I would invite you to engage and ask questions as you see fit and when prompted, talk with missionaries who can also help assist in your quest for knowledge and truth.

  5. I look at the word "ought" as an expectation. Anatess brought up a good point. The expectation is that after gaining a knowledge of Him the persecutions against Joseph Smith would cease.


    [ awt ] morally right: indicates that somebody has a duty or obligation to do something or that it is morally right to do something important: indicates that something is important or a good idea probable: indicates probability or expectation

    Just my 2 cents...

  6. I was called a "Dry Mormon" before I was baptized. I thought it was funny but I was already living the WoW and a chaste life. I believe you can start calling yourself a Mormon once you decide you want to follow Christ's example and be baptized. You don't have to be baptized to feel like you are a member. I wish you well on your baptism as it was one of the best decisions in my life.

  7. Some people will take advantage of a good thing. The parents will continue taking advantage until you put your foot down. Right now, you are showing that your home is free, cheap babysitting services. This will continue until you decide to take a stand and put your foot down.

  8. I'm 5'5" but have shorter legs (28-29 inch inseam). I tried on the Carinessa bottoms and they go way past my knee. I would have tried to buy it but I have knee problems and figured it would irritate them. It was a shame because material and fit probably felt the best. Unfortunately, the temple sold me a pair of garments that was many times too small that I ended up wearing for my endowments (distribution center was closed). A couple items I bought are too big or the wrong material (makes me itchy) so I will have to see if someone is making a trip to the temple soon. I'm only left with 2 pairs of garments that at least works for now. I couldn't afford to buy any new underwear and have kept my current ones up for the last 4 years. It's hard because I spent less than $2 a pair on the cotton underwear I bought from the mall stores.

  9. I'm a convert of 18 months. While investigating and also as a member, I have seen and read anti-LDS stuff. At first, I went looking for it. Other times, I stumbled upon it while looking for answers. I've been on the ex-Mo sites and felt so many people disgruntled by many things there is no control over, happened many years ago, or just felt like complaining. It reminds me of people who complain on reviews for businesses and the like. Before my endowment, my previous Bishop contacted me and advised me to not go looking for anti stuff. Basically he said it is out there and I will find it if I am looking for it. And a lot of the stuff is not what it appears to be.

  10. Staph lives on our skin. If you're struggling with repeated staph infections you need to see your doctor. Garments will not cause an infection anymore than other fabrics will. The bacteria or virus cause the infection.

    Go one size bigger to make sure they are loose. Definitely buy natural fibers.

    Also, at the beginning only buy two pair. Experiment with the different styles and fabrics. Also... your Bishop's wife, the RS President or a sister in your ward who you are comfortable with can be very helpful.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I figure I will probably have a few more 'freak out' moments before making it to the temple. Our only temple is closed for the next two weeks so I'm not sure when I will be going. Would buying a size bigger be excessively longer? I wear petite size clothing as it is right now (seem to have short limb syndrome).

  11. I've had staph infections on my inner left thigh from tight fitting pants and workout shorts. Before I became a member, I was playing hockey in tournaments and the wet gear/jill shorts would cause a lot of infections. And they were diagnosed and seen by a doctor for antibiotics. I've heard people complain about yeast infections and that is still a concern too (my body doesn't fight infections very well). I've also lost about 40 lbs which probably helped with clothes fitting better.

    My distribution center is about two hours away at the temple. Not the farthest away but also not the closest if I don't get the right size or fabrics. I've had limited experience going to the distribution center with other people.

  12. Getting garments that fit right, doesn't cause more staph infections, and doesn't make me feel like I am overheating. I'm a convert to the church, have no members in my family to ask, and have a few anti-church family members. I moved wards right before getting my temple recommend so no home or visiting teachers to ask and not sure how to explain my concerns to a new Bishop (he is also a new Bishop period). I live in the South (Florida) and have had issues with heat stroke/exhaustion. And like I said above, staph infections and one bout with MRSA. The article makes me feel concerned wearing garments.

  13. The issue in our family is not being part of the church for long and only recently being active. Son was baptised last year at 12, he had the missionary lessons, and it either wasn't made clear there, or he ignored it!

    My experience with the missionary lessons on the Law of Chastity was being handed the booklet and coming to the next lesson with the missionaries hoping I read it on my own. I was asked if I had any questions and that was the extent of the lesson. I do not fault the missionaries because it can be a very embarassing topic to discuss with a single female.

  14. yeah I'd not bother working for such miniscule amounts.

    If a job doesn't support me, does it have any real worth? I'm 24, I don't see myself at this nonsense for long tbh

    6.50? Man they'd hate all the small cheques they'd get from me (as I understand it could cost more to cash them then they're worth)

    at that point I'd pay monthly so as to not make the church loose money

    I pay my tithing in cash because I don't keep a checkbook. It is also how little children pay tithing.

  15. But I don't plan to live that long:lol:

    (I kid) no its not really about being in a bad relationship, I've never really had a proper one. I just have a very strong disliking of most people. I just have no real interest in it, at all. (children are out of the question- more so due to the hereditary illnesses I would pass down upon them).

    I don't see any problem with wanting to be alone, but a lot do, like its an insane idea. I don't understand people. I can't form proper, fulfilling relationships and that won't go away. I'm at peace with that.

    The church I go to being the first time in a long time I have been in a room and felt...fine, I wasn't mad and people were really nice, then I went a little nuts and thought it was a bad idea but... depression will do that to a person and I plan to go back.

    Don't let anxiety or depression capture you and keep you away from church. Church was the one thing that helped bring me back from episodes of feeling hopeless. I also understand disliking people because I hate traffic and crowds. But I also work in a people-oriented job (career). I have some anxiety with the phones.

    What I would work towards is trying to form one good friendship. Don't worry about relationships too much. I think it would take the right person regardless of your weaknesses but if you never marry, work on being happy with yourself and make a connection with one person who you can call a friend.

  16. After being in a negative, emotionally draining relationship, I did find a lot of contentment in solitude and told myself that I would rather be single than miserable. I can totally understand about wanting to withdraw from the world as I work in an emotionally draining job in a negative environment. I am a very recent convert and have no LDS in my family.

    I believe you can be content and happy in solitude. And you can be very strong in the gospel and make improvements in yourself being single. My only suggestion would be not to count out ever marrying because there are those who don't marry until they are 50s or 60s.

  17. Thanks for all the comments. I had a lot of thoughts about some of the last comments about financials and I do appreciate the concern. Verge is I have filled out the paperwork and had the inspection. Closing is not for another month so I can change my mind or it can fall through. It also has to appraise for the amount. My mother has been working in real estate through the ebb and flow of the market (boom and bust) and she is assisting me in the purchase through the way. With that said, in my area and price range, it is cheaper to buy a place than to rent a place.

    Villa $650-700 (mortgage, HOA, taxes, and very high insurance)

    Renting an Apartment with same space $1000

    I probably live in the worst county in the country when it comes to Homeowner Insurance.

    The great part is that I will also have a 1 year home warranty. I also have excellent credit and have worked with the State for the past 7 1/2 years.

    My main question was what are important things to remember to buy when purchasing a home. I have the usual dishes, pots, pans, silverware, etc but then forget "Hey I need a plunger". I would be the one to forget that I need tools and maintenance equipment.