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Posts posted by IMHp

  1. Ben, I appreciate your comments and it makes a lot of sense.

    In my situation, it was not a sexual affair (however, it was close to being that). It is an emotional affair my husband is having, which I still term an "affair". Every few months it seems he reaches out to this woman, claiming they are friends, and I have continuously asked him to end this so called friendship. I have stumbled upon emails, not intentionally, because I had no idea it was still going on. But it makes me feel horrible inside. Why I stay with him is because while I despise his actions, etc., I love my kids more. I have watched others go through divorce, and I would never wish that upon anyone. But I feel like I am entitled to a better life, to be loved by someone who only loves me. I have never disclosed any of this to anyone, because I don't want my family and friends to think less of him, like I do. My bishop is aware of everything, but not this latest discovery this week of him communicating with her and viewing porn. I feel completely alone. I was hoping to reach out to someone who has experienced this, on an anonymous level, to give me some guidance.

  2. Annaleigh,

    I first looked at this website yesterday and keep coming back to your posting. I am in familiar territory. We have been married for 18 years, 2 kids. My husband had an affair 8 years ago, even telling me that he was in love with this woman. He worked with this lady, so continued to have interactions with her at work. Even though I kept asking him to please stay away from her, I believe he convinced himself that he could be friends with her. Last year he told me that he had kissed 2 other girls at work, as well as kissing the one he had the affair with. He has also had issues with pornography. Tuesday I found porn on his tablet, along with pictures of someone's house renovations. When I confronted him, he told me that he had begun looking at pornography, as well as communicating with this lady again, who had sent him photos of her house. I have no idea what to do. Right now I despise him. He has had this relationship/friendship/affair with this lady on and off again for 8 years, but keeps insisting they are just friends! When is enough enough? I do not want a divorce, I just want him to be faithful and a worthy husband and father.