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Posts posted by Rosewood

  1. <div class='quotemain'>

    Do you believe the same thing about the other commandments?

    We actually had an interesting (at least to me) string on the 10 commandments several months ago. In it I posted my 'Christian understanding' of them.

    Aren't Christians adopted into the House of Isreal and as such bound by the same covenants?

    We eat shrimp. We do not separate meat from dairy. We do not buy kosher 'religiously.' We still obey the spirit of the law, and their are principles that carry over. However, Jesus himself said that it is not what goes in a person, but what comes out. He also said that if we love God and neighbor (i.e. our enemy) we fulfill the law.

    Half my family is Evangelical Christian. We respect each other and work around our differences, but none of us are theologians so when we ask questions like this we usually just scratch our heads.

    I'd be curious as to what you and your family make of my lesson on the 10-commands.

    Thanks, I'll let you know.

  2. I would argue that we Christians do not observe the Sabbath, as laid out in the fourth command. This was a covenant between God and the Hebrews. Instead, we observe the Lord's Day, by joining with fellow believers for instruction in the Apostle's teaching, the singing of hymns, etc. Additionally, we try to obey the spirit of the fourth commandment by avoiding labor and those secular pursuits that seem counter to spiritual health.

    Do you believe the same thing about the other commandments?

    Aren't Christians adopted into the House of Isreal and as such bound by the same covenants?

    Half my family is Evangelical Christian. We respect each other and work around our differences, but none of us are theologians so when we ask questions like this we usually just scratch our heads.

  3. This is so exciting Shan! You'll have to give us updates from time to time. We had free range chickens in the valley when I was a kid. (We didn't call them free range in those days) It was such a great learning experience.

    I do remember a few things. Sometimes if one gets weak they'll peck it to death. You might want a separate little pen just in case.

    If they stop laying for a while try warm cooked oatmeal. I know it sounds crazy, but it always worked. I have no idea why.

    Watch out for hawks and owls they really will get your chickens.

  4. Yeah the football player, definately the funniest one!

    On the other hand, whose to say? If He ever interacts with us on earth, maybe he'll play with football with the youth. I can't really see it in a skirt though.

    I sure don't think he'd play church basketball. :cursing::haha:

  5. <div class='quotemain'>

    For instance how would they answer this:

    "Did God intend for mankind to live forever on earth without the fall (in the Garden, etc.)?"

    No... because that would imply that he made a mistake.

    He sees everything, including the past, present and the future as if it was right in front of him.

    So if the fall was a bad thing why did He give us agency?

  6. Well, I know what our doctrine is, but I'm not sure you want our doctrine. What I understand of other Christian beliefs, they mostly don't believe we had a pre-existance. So they believe we would've been better off without the fall. Of course they feel Adam and Eve weren't very smart.

    When you ask about "early councils", that's only LDS. If you don't want LDS thats not an issue. Are you interested in anything like Hindu, etc? or only Christian.

  7. Amen to All of the above! Have any of you been listening to Hugh Hewitt? (talk radio) He's Christian & really pushing Romney, even before he became a candidate. He has a book "A Mormon in the White House". All pro. Lots of free publicity.

    Brandon; keep up the good work!

  8. I'm sorry. S.E.S. is socioeconomic status (income, power, education, social status in the community).

    OK. Yes, I think it does. Don't you? Anything they can use or make an issue of. You know how lawyers are. (No offense to my sister-in-law.) I think thats why it seems like such a big tragedy to me. It's not that it happened or even that there are evil people in the world. It's because it's just so hard to find justice in the law. I gues that's why Christ is called the HOPE of Israel.
  9. I’ve been to most main stream Christian churches in my life plus Buddhist and Jewish. The only place I DID NOT feel the Spirit was in the Church of the Brethren, which is similar to Baptist. It was 1967 and the Pastor who was very hell-fire-and-brimstone loved to preach about the evils of long hair. It drove me crazy! I now understand it’s my responsibility to bring the Spirit with me, not just wait to be fed.

    Actually I was almost baptized in that church. Jesus was baptized so I wanted to be, but when we got into the font in front of the congregation the Pastor said, “Congratulation on joining our church!” I said, “I don’t want to join your church, I just want to be baptized!” He said I had to join the church if I wanted to be baptized, it’s in the Bible. So we discussed it for a few minutes, decided I wouldn’t be baptized and sat down.

    I wasn’t real gutsy at 16, but I knew what I didn’t want! :annoyed:

    I finally found a Pastor of a Lutheran church that would baptize me without joining the church when I was 20. Bare foot and in my jeans, just he & I alone by the alter, I got sprinkled. It was one of the most Spiritual and significant moments of my life.


  10. Thank you Rosewood,

    Do you think he would be more likely to get off if he had a lot of money or does SES not play a role?

    Are you talking about the Senior Executive Service? I don't know about that.

    What I meant was if it turns High profile and he gets a lot of organizations with $ on his band wagon like Jesse Jackson, or NAACP. That sort of thing. If there's enough media, someone will latch on to it. It might even become a political issue. This is the yr for it.

    I don't have TV and get pretty poor radio reception, so I miss a lot of hype. Thats usually a good thing! ^_^

  11. Do u really think they'd let him go?

    I don't know, I'm just expressing my disillusionment with the legal system. Either the police will mess up evidence or be too brutal (that's funny) or the jails will be too full, or he's depraved because he was deprived. Seems like there's always something. Especially if it's high profile and he gets a hot-shot lawyer.
  12. <div class='quotemain'>

    to meditate in a sweat lodge.

    All new federal chaplains are given the opportunity to participate in an abbreviated and mild (temperature) sweat lodge ceremony. Interestingly, the spiritual leader that led it encouraged to meditate/pray to our own God, while being mindful of the nature they were respecting. A few chaplains chose not to join in, but I find myself able to do so without compromising my faith. I can see that the experience would indeed give the sense of spiritual cleansing and renewal.

    So, PC, do you believe we are praying to the same God? I know many Evangelicals don't. I think we are, because the thing in us that makes us seek Spiritual enlightenment, aka communicate with God, is the Light of Christ that is in all of us. Those of us that think we are correct about God's true nature, still don't know everything. So it's degrees of correctness we're talking about, right? I can't see Father turning His back on people trying to reach Him in the only way they know how.

  13. I need your help everyone. I recently purchased a 19" white marble version of Thorvaldsen's "Christus" sculpture (which I'm very excited about).

    What I'm looking for now are smaller statues of Christ in Gethsemane and on the cross of Calvary, respectively. In other words, two smaller, separate statues.

    Does anyone know where I can find such statues online? I've looked and googled but to no avail. I really would like two such statues to complete a small personal collection I'm assembling. Thanks for any help!

    Thats great, I love the Christus. I know I've seen the kind of statues you're describing at Christian book stores. You might look up that source.
  14. <div class='quotemain'>

    yep. been into a couple of different houses of worship.

    nothing bad to say about any of them. felt closer to God in all of them.

    i think what's within counts for a lot more than what's without

    I found this comment particularly interesting. We are told that post-moderns (our current generation) are far more interested in authenticity and positive experiential spirituality, than they are in being the most correct doctrinally.

    Growing up, I used to feel negative spiritually when I was in the midst of spirituality that I believed was not in line with Christianity. As I've gotten older, I do see the good in most forms of practice. What I wonder is whether I am being conditioned and desensitized, or whether I am truly becoming more mature.

    Just a guess, but I think it's Spiritual maturity. God is love. We've been given commandments and guide lines for our own protection. But I think we've also been given discernment to open our eyes.

    LDS believe that each generation is born a little stronger spiritually than the one before it. In order for the righteous to turn bad, they have to be VERY bad, but many will have the understanding that will help usher in the Millenium. I've heard them called "Ephriam's children". I've heard a Jewish Rabbi discuss the spiritual awareness of the new generation, he called them something else (blue something).

    Are you familiar with Saturday's Warriors?

    Who are these children coming down,

    Coming down like gentle rain through darkened skies?

    With glory trailing from their feet as they go?

    And endless promise in their eyes?

    Who are these young ones growin' tall, growing strong

    Like silver trees against the storm?

    Who will not bend with the wind or the change

    But stand to fight the world alone?


    These are the few, the warriors save for Saturday

    To come the last days of the world these are they on Saturday

    These are the strong, the warriors rising in their might

    To win the battle raging in the hearts of man on Saturday

    Strangers from a realm of light who have forgotten all

    The mem'ry of their former life, the purpose of their call

    And so they must learn why they're here and who they really are.

    They must learn why they're here and who they are.

    In their sunbright armor they march forth to conquer all

    And with their swards ablaze with fir watch the darkness fall

    But first they must learn why they're here and who they really are

    They must learn why they're here and who they are.

    Words and Music by Doug Stewart and Lex de Azevedo

    some inspiration by Walt Whitman

  15. If events that bring us closer to G-d are blessings - then we must consider that anything that brings us to our knees in seeking G-d are the greatest blessings. I think most people have blessings and curses mixed up.

    The Traveler

    So true, Traveler! Thats real spiritual maturity when we can truly be thankful for sorrow and pain. I can be thankful in hindsight, I'm improving on current trials, not good about the future trials, and a total failure at being thankful for the pain my children have to face. Line upon line.....
  16. Life is what happens to you when you are busy making plans...

    I love your signature, because thats sure the way I feel about it.

    I think we learn in all those situations but in times of tragedy and crisis we learn the most, at least I do. You might call it a crash course in life. In those situations I learn:

    • about past mistakes
    • what our resources are: spiritual and temporal
    • how to pray
    • how to love
    • how to grieve
    • our dependence on God.
    • how family members react and what they need
    • when to be tough or soft
    • to have confidence in myself
    I receive personal revelation (answers to prayers) when I least expect it. The most dramatic revelation I've had was when I came home for lunch and blessed the food. Right there over a ham sandwich I was given the most amazing experience of my life!
  17. Fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.

    Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe can.

    i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

    Don't let CrimsonKairos see that! :tsktsk: He's quite the speller. :D
  18. <div class='quotemain'>


    Who says agnostics and atheists aren't living the gospel? :) :idea::dontknow:^_^ I am sure people with these types of world views do experience the spirit and blessings from any universal principles they are incorporating into their lives, which a person like myself would call 'the gospel'.

    Okay, could you define 'the gospel' for me then? :)


    xhenli, CK, a-train, I'm a little concerned about your responses to Maureen's question. Are you saying that belief in Christ isn't necessarily a part of the Gospel? If it is, I can't agree with you. I probably just misunderstood.

    I know that these righteous people will be on earth during the millenium and have the opportunity to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but I've always believed that belief in Christ specifically is fundamental to salvation. Why else would we call ourselves Christian? Why is it necessary to join the church, perform ordinances, etc, if believe in our redemption and our Redeemer isn't essential? Would you please clarify.