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Posts posted by KiwiJoe

  1. Thank you all for your thoughts and insights, I have found them very helpful, especially after the multitude of ideas and instructions given regarding PPI's in my quorum meeting today.


    As people strive to fulfill and magnify their callings, they can sometimes run faster than they (or those that support them) have strength (Mosiah 4:27). This is in many ways admirable but I expect over time, experience and wisdom will give them a more balanced perspective. Hopefully there aren't too many causalities along the way.


    Thankfully the Lord expects us to study it out (D&C 9:8) and use wisdom in what we can do.


    Personally I like the idea of my priesthood leader caring enough about me, to visit. In my 30 years in the church I still vividly remember, as a new convert, my Elders quorum president walking up my parents long steep drive to visit me. I had no idea what a PPI was, but the impression someone cared has remained with me and helped guide me all these years.


    And I think that is the real principle - we are each others brother, and a PPI can be a great way to strengthen that bond.


    I feel the greatest respect we can have for our leaders (actually everyone) is to be honest, but in a respectful way that encourages open communication. Of course this is not always easy nor even always possible. But isn't it great that we have these challenges in the church that help us to learn and grow, even if it is to remember when the roles get reversed.


    I hope people can be forgiving of the dumb and not always inspired decisions I have made in my callings. But luckily I have had many wise counselors, leaders and younger people to gently remind me there might be a better way. Just like that meaningful EQ President and his recommendation to do so many PPI's; perhaps there might be a quorum member that needs that degree of attention, but unlikely they all do.


    Whatever is done, don't make it a statistical exercise.


    But at least every year, hopefully we can all be deserving of at least one caring PPI. And, yes, please make it a visit.