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Posts posted by Mac

  1. Hey everyone!


    Sorry I haven't replied yet^^'.  Things are kind of crazy right now with school.  To the question about my mission.  I loved it, though, unfortunately the Church is slow going over there right now.  That is not to say that it isn't growing at all though!  It is growing and there are some really great members there.  Though, for those that are not aware, Romania is a eastern European country, and as far as I am aware, growth in the church has been relatively slow in that area of the world.  Nevertheless, I was able to see many great miracles happen in that country.  I miss that country so much.  I love the culture, language, and the people to death, and I want to go back so bad. 


    Haha!  And as for the brony thing, I figured there would be some around here.  When I made that post, I had only recently become a brony.  Previously, I had even made fun of a brony companion that I had on my mission.  Of course it was only playfully making fun of him^^.  I am a nice guy and I get along with everyone.  One day I was curious and bored enough to take a look at one of the episodes.  Long story short, after that, I was done for.  Anyway, sorry for that really out of place explanation. Haha!  I guess the reason I went through explaining that is because when I made that first post originally, I had only recently "turned", and I was kind of in shock and I wanted to see if there was any other bronies on here.  Oh and Connie, that is super awesome that your whole family likes the show!mlp-tplotting.pngI wish that I could say the same, buuuuut....they are pretty far away from that point, I regret to say.  Oh and yes I am VERY excited for season 5!  April 4th could not come fast enough!


    Anyway, I am glad to be here on the forums!  Thank you all for replying, and again I do apologize for the very, VERY late response.  Admittedly, I posted this, and then completely forgot about it for a couple of months.