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Posts posted by ninjahobbit8

  1. I'd make a westward movement, starting from Japan and working my way into Europe (somehow while going through Thailand, India and China) and go to the United Kingdom/Ireland then to iceland then greenland then to canada then to alaska then work my way to home!

    but if it has to be once place.....japan or the whole United Kingdom area=ireland(is ireland techniqly not part of the UK?)

  2. Personally, I admire a lot of different people for the positive inpact they've had on my life. Friends, teachers, my parents. I really admire my Young Woman's teacher, she does her best to do what the Lord will. And she came from a hard background and she's really an inspiration/inpact upon our young woman. She is so awesome!!! I'm lucky to know her like i do!!!

  3. This does not bother me at all. It is illusion that's all-not real. I also love to see real reactions. That's what hooks me.

    yeah, some humans'/peoples' reactions are pretty overly dramiatic in situations! :)
  4. Is that the crazy, wild eyed, heavey set woman with the gap teeth?

    I saw an epesode where she was swapped with a biggeted black man.

    nope, she's the bald one with the mega amount of tatoos. Complete U-turn of lifestyles! are asking who was the ex-LDS person, right?
  5. Hey! I'm kinda new, I used to be a member of but its shut down for awhile so I was kinda just looking for another cool site like that. But if any of you were members of that site, or are looking for a site to meet other mormon teens is a pretty nice website, and they're looking for more members :) so if you have a little time maybe you want to check it out.

    i tried going there and it didn't work :mellow: but it stil sounds cool! ^_^
  6. Posted Image

    In case he missed it in the other forum...Dr. T, your cat is still angry that you are in denial!! LOL :)

    oh my gash! that's my cat after i give her a bath!!! She avoids me for hours on end, and it's humorous to see her walking around b/c she refused to let me dry her with a towl! :lol: yes i know, don't bath your cat...but she ran outside and got all muddy!!! and sticky from pine sap!

    but anyway...hi Mr.T! Trust me, you do not want to make your cat angry....they gain revenge over time...when you least exspect it....<_<

  7. My all-time favorite:

    Donny Osmond is hysterical! :lol:



    ask a ninja is always funny and usually clean. Here... this one's called Ninja Gifts! :ph34r:

    and i want to try looks like it would be fun!

    and this is a parody of To Kill a Mockingbird called "How to Kill a Mockingbird" (yay Atticus! but he's not really in this...)(you have to follow the link on the site)

    (it's extremely random, just to warn you) :lol:

    I'm personally amused by these ^_^

  8. I was in ROTC when I was in high school...thought I would join the air force when I graduated...but then, my free spirit took over and I traveled the USA for a year and forgot all about the air force.

    awesome! did you enjoy it while you were in it? I enjoy traveling too. I want to go to Quebec one day!!! Or Colorado to canoe/kayack!!!! I'm in the Navy JROTC now, my last year too

  9. <div class='quotemain'>

    these are sooo awesome!! where do you find them?! :ahhh:

    I have been collecting poems and quotes for YEARS!!!!!

    I also write alot of poetry....I am a lover of words, hence my meny posts!

    then i shall do the same!!! :lol: i got a few cool ones from YW....i can't remember them from the top of my head, but they're good! :sparklygrin:

  10. Hey, i just randomly thought of something. How many of you guys have heard of the JROTC program? or ROTC? Or maybe are/were in it? I'm bored, and i was curious. You can even ask me what it is if you want to! and i'll discribe it! Or just talk about opinions you have on it or about.... :huh: whatever, i'm bored....but i do like NJROTC!!!