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Posts posted by ZionSeeker

  1. "Nice people, Mormons, but crazy."

    That was pretty much how I've always thought of Mormons; but recently I've actually begun to take serious interest in the faith. I left Catholicism earlier this year and joined a few non-Christian faiths before ending up where I am now, as a member of the Bahá'í Faith.

    But I got interested in the life of Joseph Smith and had a Book of Mormon from an earlier visit from missionaries; and I called a few on the phone to discuss questions I had. I'm not unhappy with the Bahá'í Faith, but I figured if I was wrong and the LDS Church was God's true established Church that I didn't want to miss out by not investigating. So I promised the missionaries I pray and ask God, and they assured me that He would show me the way.

    So far?

    Zip. Nothing. Nada.

    I've prayed, and nothing has happened. I told them this and they had me read a chapter from the Book of Mormon where Alma talks about faith. It felt disingenuous though, like at first they assured me God would let me know of LDS' veracity and then when that didn't happen, telling me I should believe anyways. A part of me wants God to tell me the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His church, a part of me doesn't. All I know if that I can't keep waiting for the divine phone to ring. I'm very confused.

    But hi!