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Posts posted by jack42155

  1. Hi. First let me say some things in response....

    Eowyn....I could not have said it better myself. You are on point with your observation. And you are correct, these kind of things have a Big Bang in the beginning and then fade away. Nothing...and I mean NOTHING like that is what I'm after. Of the stories I have collected I never forget some one who is and was loved died to allow me to gather that story.

    Bini....again I agree. Unless that story is of a sort that shouts to be told.

    Back Roads....that's exactly what I'm talking about. Love never dies. I have a similar story of two people that smelled the same thing at the same time.

    Classy Lady and Literal Parakeet.... I totally understand and respect that. Perhaps just maybe I will bridge the trust gap and you will be able to share.

    OK...here's the deal...

    When my daughter died we were not speaking. The details of that deal are personal (as most family matters are). But I do share them in the first chapter of my book. During this time of non communication she contracted pneumonia and ultimately died. I was in California and she was in New Jersey. I flew out on my own (my family stayed here) and found her in the hospital hooked up to all the things you can think of to keep her alive. She was resuscitated but she never regained consciousness. I was there when all was disconnected. The contact occurred the next afternoon in the parking lot of the hotel I was staying in. Actually...checking out from. You might say I was over come with emotion. If I was not the one that had the experience I would say that's what happened. It took about a year to figure out what happened.

    I believe that the partition that separates this side of life from the next opened up just enough for her to say I'm sorry. There was not communication like we are having. It was more of a feeling. Much like a downloading from the cloud so to speak. I felt as if I was being filled and at the point of termination...it was over. That was it.

    But I knew what happened and when I told my family about it they believed me. And...there's more.

    When that partition opened up, in addition to the communication, love came through as well. So much I could touch it and it was overwhelming. An all encompassing love.

    I returned home thinking I was the only one. Well of course I was not. I have three daughters and the third one was told a story that basically got me going on this path.

    Her friend is named Estrella and she is from Mexico. Educated there she obtained a job in San Diego working for an Attorney. I'm sure many of you have met a woman like Estrella. She's short and slim and not the kind of woman you want to get in an argument with. Feisty would be the one word definition that could be used. She is also the kind that does not believe anything unless she can see it...smell it...taste it and so forth.

    But I am leaving out something about the Attorney as well. He was a Buddhist Attorney.

    I know....I was amused at the oxymoron as well. The two worked together for many years and a tight bond formed. He was a very committed Buddhist and she a confirmed skeptic.

    I'm sure you have skipped ahead in the story and know that he died. He was diagnosed with cancer. The dead kind. I mean the kind when the doctor tells you that you have only a few months left. I'll let you fill in the blanks of how the next few months went for him. Upon his passing Estrella was despondent as you might imagine. Within two weeks after the death, she was a large book store (like a Barns and Noble).

    As she walked in there were the normal large tables filled with books. You know...there's the new books or the dogs they are trying to get rid of. Estrella passed these tables but as she did her hip grazed one corner. When this happened ONE book fell off and landed at her feet in front of her. And it landed in the open position.

    She looked down at her feet and screamed.

    The book fell open to a picture of him. It was the same guy alright. The book was a coffee table book about Buddhism. When the picture was taken he was in Thailand at a ceremony for a kind of promotion within his faith. He was on a bridge symbolizing advancement from one level to the next. Complete with incense, candles and reverence.

    After regaining her composure she made arrangements to visit the Attorney's Elder Priest. In this situation it happened to be a woman priest. Sitting down at the Monk's desk Estrella explained the story as it happened. Upon completion there was a brief pause. And then the Monk broke out in laughter. The monk explained....basically...

    "He chose you....to tell us....that he is ok."

    He chose the one that has to see it....taste it and smell it. The skeptic. After all, how many brand new books can you toss down and have them open to ANY page let alone a particular page! And stay there. In addition to that, think of the travel of the picture. From Thailand to publisher to book store to book store worker that placed the book on the table.

    I began thinking on this story. If there was a story about a Buddhist that communicated to this side perhaps there were more. More of a diverse crowd so to speak. I found a book entitled "Simple Miracles from Beyond". An outstanding read which deals with (but not limited to) Jewish stories. Many of the same kind that I told you about here with the Buddhist.

    This "Path" I'm on (I know...using the word path is so over used but it does explain my direction) has begun to show me that we are all inter connected in a very real way. Another book entitled "The Field" showed me that. I have these kind of stories from and attempted murderer, an atheist, Catholics and other religions.

    I want to find other stories of the caliber of the Buddhist story I told here. I want them from different varied sources. I want to show, and I think I can, that we are all loved and accepted.

    OK...that is basically it. What ever you tell me you will have basically editorial rights to make sure I am true and accurate to the story. Please lets keep this dialogue going. So far...you have talked with me the most of any other group I've posted with. Thank you all for that.



  2. HI. My name is Jack and I'm looking for After Death Communications from the Mormon Community. An After Death Communication (or ADC) is when a loved one sends a kind of message to this side of life after their death. It can be a dream or smell (like perfume or roses that would be attached to them in memory) or a feeling of their presence. I first became of ADC's after my daughter died at the age of 35. That was three years ago and now I am writing a book about the experience. What I am looking for are similar experiences from a larger base. A kind of bigger picture. It turns out that EVERYONE has these experiences. What I mean is that all religions and all kinds of persons have it. I have very thoughtful stories from a Buddhist, an attempted murderer and an Atheist.

    As I said, I am looking for a bigger picture to write about. This is not about communicating with the dead, voodoo, Wee Gee boards or some such other similar activity. This is about a loved one that sends a message from the other side to basically say I'm ok and I love you.

    Stories like these are every where but it's hard to get people to open up about them. It's a little like seeing Big Foot. A lot of people see him but don't want to talk about it because they fear they will be thought to be crazy.

    There also seems to be some hesitation when I ask for stories because you wonder what I'm going to do with it. As I said I'm trying to show the bigger picture here. These stories point to a One Love for All and a universality of acceptance.

    I hope that some of you can help me. If you have a story please post to me here. Thank you.