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Posts posted by abess

  1.  I have an interesting situation… I’ve had the spirit, (I think it’s the spirit,) telling me for about five years now, that I’m going to marry a specific person. This person and I are aware of each other but we’ve never really gotten to know each other. Nor am I really all that interested in getting to know them, due to conflicting lives.  I don’t believe in soulmates. I agree with the church on personal revelation and how heavenly father won’t ever state that there is only one person for us.  I find it strange that the same thoughts have been going on in my head for so long. He stays single for the most part and every time I date someone he pops into my head and I have this sinking feeling that the relationship won’t last no matter how good it is. Sure enough, the relationship will end in the most bizarre way. I’ve noticed the more I fast and pray and get closer to the gospel the more this guy is at the center of my thoughts. Recently, when I asked heavenly father to take those thoughts away, he replied that he wouldn’t. He told me to act, so I did. I tried to start a conversation with the guy and kinda put the ball in his court and he didn’t really do anything.  The spirit told me to do so again. So, reluctantly I did. Nothing happened. The spirit then told me to pray for him to act… nothing happened.  I prayed about it again and was told to be patient and that soon I would understand. But as you can tell, it’s been years with this and the thoughts still won’t go away.  In all these five years, I’ve traveled through a huge part of the states. Been busy getting a degree in Forensic psychology and have done so much without thinking about the guy. But eventually my thoughts always come back to him.  I just find this so annoying. I’m not sure this is something that’s from the spirit. I feel like I’ve lost my mind. what advice can you give me on this situation? What church talks can you send my way?