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Posts posted by equacks

  1. I am 28 years old, a woman, and I have Aspergers. I am extremely high functioning, and in small groups I even come across as a neurotypical extrovert. However, I am an introverted Aspie and it is incredibly difficult for me to put myself out there to date. Because of this strange disconnect, the people in my ward are confused when I participate avidly in church or at Institute, but they never see me anywhere else. I consistently see pictures of the singles in my ward (including introverted ones) out and about hanging out in groups or at the temple, and I feel guilty, but I know myself and I know I would feel worse if I pushed myself into situations that would only stress me out further. I work a retail job that has me running a lot of different things at once, including interacting with customers every single day.

    finally found myself in what I thought was a good relationship. He, too, also has Aspergers, but is comfortable with it. But then he went off to school, though I have tried to maintain a decent connection and felt so amazingly close with him (he said so himself), he is suddenly cutting me out.

    I will tell you one thing: Routine. I thrive on it in my personal time, which is why socializing with the singles in my ward is so difficult. I have to have at least a week's notice for any activity outside my usual routine in order to get myself mentally prepared for it, which is why my social life is practically non-existent. Many ward members make plans (if I'm lucky) only a day or two in advance, but it's usually with even less notice than that.

    Aspergers is a blessing in many ways: I can focus on the things important to me and block everything else out...but it's also a curse, especially when you are in a ward that is very spread out and no one lives out in your direction. I use the distance as an excuse, but the truth is, I suffer every time I see a post about events and activities that I either can't go to because I am working (I work a full-time job, that includes Saturdays), or because I am too drained from my constant social interaction due to my job that drains me. This can also be the case for young men with Aspergers, so take that into account when asking for a date.

    Give him plenty of notice and time to mentally prepare for even something as small as getting ice cream one evening after work. But once we realize someone likes us, we will make the time to fit you into our life. You will notice it with more communication and more interaction. It will come over time because we are very unsure in reading "in between the lines", but it will come.