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  1. Yes she is LDS and does live near by. I think what I am asking is it better to just try having a conversation? Or trying to suggest activities? Because I know asking online isn't always the best approach
  2. So I was hoping for some advice. About a year ago, I decided that I would try a few different forms of social media. Never having a Facebook account or Instagram. After creating these accounts, I was surprised at how connected it all is. Found people that I hadn't seen in years. Now there was this one girl, that I honestly kept bumping into her different social media accounts. Along with many other peoples. A little while ago I sent her a friendly message. Then she replies with this," Awe thank you so much! That was really sweet of you and made my night" Now do you think there is a way to continue the conversation? Or does it seem like this just nicely responding? Or am I just reading way to much into this?