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Posts posted by Laurie

  1. I have done everything I know how to do. I am out of money to go look for work. I'm working with SSD I see a counselor to work things out in my life. I can't go to my Drs appts because as if now I have no gas. I've stood on the side if the road begging and only got a loaf of bread.

  2. 1 minute ago, Jane_Doe said:

    Laurie, I've likewise dealt with severe PTSD/depression.  I learned I can't sit back and wait for someone else to fix things/me.  I needed to grab life by the horns, make the changes in life/me, and get in the drivers seat of life.  Hence, my advice to you.  

    I guess it just doesn't matter. 

  3. 1 minute ago, NeuroTypical said:

    Laurie, we've made a ton of suggestions, and asked you around a dozen questions that might help us make additional suggestions.  You asked us what you should do next, right?  I mean, we understand life has dealt you one hard blow after another, but what can a website full of anonymous people do, besides ask questions and give advice and maybe a sympathetic ear and some emotional support?

    I'm doing everything not to be homeless. I have spoken with the stake president who told me to talk to my bishop but nothing happens. The Bishop doesn't respond. When I worked at Deseret he was suppose to be my employment specialist he didn't help me there either.

  4. I guess you guys have never had to loose everything. I was lied to by my bishop and an elder at my church. They promised things they had no intention of following thru with. I worked at Deseret in Portland OR was sex rally harassed yelled at by someone who has never had a job. I have PTSD SEVERE DEPRESSION my life has been nothing but an up hill battle.I had to quit my job when my husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I had to sale my house back to the builder and only got 5000. Thats how I got the old fifth wheel. I was promised another one by an elder he turned around and sold it and left me hanging. I've been trying for 8 years to get back on my feet. My job skills are old. I'm over 55 and I'm finding employers won't hire me because my skills are old. I've tried going back to college I considered giving up on life. I don't have family to help me. Would you go back to your family if the raped and beat you growing up? I wish I had died and not my husband.

  5. I have been a widow for 8 years now. My husband died of terminal cancer. I lost my house car and 5th wheel. I lived in an old 5th wheel for 6 years than it started falling apart. Was told by an Elder at the church I could have his. He sold it before I could get it. Stayed with a woman from church she kicked me out and dumped my stuff on her carport. Was told by Bishop couldn't sleep in church parking lot. Have been homeless since before thanksgiving. Suffer from Anxiety PTSD and severe depression and have problems with my lower back. I have 2 dogs and a cat that live in my car with me. I feel like the church just dumped me on the side if the road. Have been denied widows benefits and SSDI what should I do next?