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Posts posted by RickyB

  1. I know this is an old post/question, but oddly enough, I asked two elders yesterday, the position of the church on this very matter. Background: I'm a "backsliding" Mormon. I don't attend church. I followed my parents guidance. They're Mormons as well, but also backsliders. We never really attended church. Just didn't care for it. We were all (4 of us), extremely close, until two years ago, when Dad decided to move to the next realm, unexpectedly. Mom suffered the greatest and still does. She doesn't really have the will to continue, but I'm working with her very closely. She feels that Dad wants her to follow. She claims that she's seen him in spirit, smiling at her, but dissipates when approached. I'm also a psychologist, so I understand what most would say about her claim. I've had cameras installed all over the house since she won't permit me to stay with her (saying, as Mom's would, "you have your own life). The cameras give me some peace and have actually saved her life on two occasions. She suffers from seizures and falls and has broken many, many bones, including C3 a few years ago. The cameras have recently, within the last two weeks, begun to pick up an unexplainable anomaly. They only react to movement, not light (infrared). The cameras record events, three of which show a fast moving ball, orb, or sphere, moving down the bedroom hall, appearing from closed doors, and seeming to pass through another door. They have emerged from various directions, and varying times of day, all while Mother is alone and sleeping in another part of the house. I can see both, her sleeping and these spheres occurring simultaneously. I've shown the events to Mother and she'll smile and say "yes, that's got to be him." I have no idea, other than to know it's very comforting to us both. The elders yesterday confirmed that the church's stance is that it is completely within reason to believe this communication could be legitimate. I showed them the saved videos and they appeared to be astounded; wide-eyed, wowed. Exciting. My current belief system (varies a little from the church's teaching) but at least I think we're of similar minds with this belief as entirely possible. I certainly hope so. And how very thoughtful and kind of Dad to continue to be as consumed with us after death, as he was in life. He was truly an amazing man, husband and Father.