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Posts posted by Leesie

  1. I heard last conference there would be changes but what they were I had no clue. I kept my mouth shut about the probability of changes because I didn't know anything for sure. This time it almost seems like the fact that there WILL be changes is not a question. It seems to be that isn't secret? Either way the gospel is true 😁

    So might as well add my 2 cents..that's more than my opinion is worth really.. I've caught wind that we're moving from a church focused to temple focused faith. As I've considered what this might mean I've had to assume that it could mean shorter hours at church in order to build fewer churches and build more temples. This acknowledgment is by me, a person who enjoys 3 hours of church. We struggle with nursery leaders and ppl turning down this call.. I wonder if one hour of nursery might give me ppl the willingness to accept. Lol. I don't know how else shorter church could help with temples but perhaps they have more inspiration regarding this. 

    I've heard changes to the missionary program of many kinds, not stuff I've seen on here. All I've seen here is talk of making it all like service missions. Would that not be like calling all missionaries home? I'm doubtful of either..But- I've considered in conjunction with the ministering program the possibility of adding more members doing missionary work maybe as ward/stake callings? Perhaps more ward/stake members called to temple callings/work, more family history? This stuff is just my own musings but the bit about temple focus versus church is not mine and I feel could easily be legit. 

    I don't know if the concern I've heard floating around is a true issue, about these changes being a dividing or faith altering thing for people. I hope not. Unfortunately it doesn't take much sometimes. In the meantime I'll be praying always to not only be accepting of changes but to understand through the spirit the good intentions and purposes behind the change which I've heard might just be the norm now.