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Posts posted by hvidovre

  1. I was asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting recently on Elder Uchtdorf's talk from last conference on Believe, Love, Do.  I had the outline of my talk all written out and then saw this article.  I went back and modified the talk.  I was in a bishopric for four years and I remember this was one of the issues that weigh on our Bishop's mind.  But this articles and the comments has helped me understand it more.  When I served in the bishopric we had many good Sacrament meetings.  We did not assign topics and gave guidelines as to the time and what the focus should be on.  Like the Savior, the atonement and how it has affected your life.   I did one month before the change to include the ward council in planning sacrament meetings, asked the speakers to talk about their conversion to the gospel.  Not knowing if they were born into the church or actual converts.  It was the best month ever.  The second week I was so nervous because I did not tell the others in the bishopric what I was up to.  I probably should have, but it turned out that way I wanted it to.  These talks are from the heart and not to impress or make them look better than others.  It's what a testimony really is. Regarding, issues at church.  It really needs to be a place of "Safety".  Church is a hospital for the spiritually sick, my self included.  In my talk Sunday I did not want to come across as the one that knows all the answers and knows how the members can all be disciples of christ.  I know that we all can receive our own revelation on how to become disciples of christ.  If sacrament meetings, young men/women, Sunday school, relief society and priesthood meetings all had this feeling of Safety, that what we share, is our thoughts and not open for debate and judgement.  If someone misspoke of doctrine it can be discussed after the class in private. 

    Below is one way to make Church more safe...  This is from another program that I'm involved with... 


    If we could change the culture of our wards and stakes to not judge, condemn others not matter what.  I know we can do because I have seen this happen occasionally.