Frank Torelli

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Posts posted by Frank Torelli

  1. Moses 5 & 6 teaches us that our Heavenly Father showed and is showing us, by example, what is expected of us, and that the Holy Eternal Melchizedek Priesthood* (all priesthood is Melchizedek) is shared because one is not without the other; quite literally, yin陰 and yang陽, creating the whole. 

    *The Patriarchal Order, which has only two offices, Patriarch (like a Temple President or a father), and Matriarch (like the Temple Matron or a mother). Jesus Christ established the temporary Apostolic Order in His church organization for missionary purposes, to act as fathers to the fatherless. 

    Also, there are shared responsibilities for parents (primarily the mother) to bring children into the world via water, blood, & spirit (those elements are physically there during childbirth; there is the quickening, an issue of blood, and the water breaks) & physically to feed them. They unitedly teach them the gospel. Fathers administer the saving ordinances, via water, blood, and Spirit.

    Our Heavenly Father likewise teaches us, showing us by example again, those things we must do in the Temple to keep our families with us in the eternities.