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Posts posted by mannisue

  1. I'm afraid that if back-rubbing or hand-holding was ever truly frowned upon at church and my husband actually started going with me, they'd have to excommunicate me. I couldn't stop touching, just to make sure he was really, truly there, and that I wasn't just dreaming...:wub:

  2. This made me kinda sad, because my husband has explicitly told me he does look at other women, compare them to me, usually find me lacking, and wishes he had them instead. On the other hand, it also made me feel a little hopeful. What an awesome feeling it would be to watch this and ask my husband if it was true and have him say yes! Holy cow. Maybe someday I will have that experience, though not likely with my current dearest.

    This may be totally knee-jerk, but THIS is why the needle buried on my B.S.-o-meter...there happen to actually be individuals who's insecurities are indeed realized by the very circumstances this nice gentleman is trying to get us women to chill out about. I'm so sorry, Tumbled. This makes me very, very sad. :(

    Heck; I have a pretty awesome husband and the video still had me rankled and on the defensive, no matter earnestly Mr. Prager wanted to make it all better. I'm sure he ment well...maybe we could get a few more male perspectives?

  3. For the overwhelmed, full-time working, procrastinating, general anxiety disorder sufferer, I find her to be a breath of fresh air. Nice to have someone say "'s okay to take one thing at a time" and make it manageably incremental.

    Never been so fast to unsubscribe to a subscription of daily e-mail avalanches before, however...holy cowlamoly. :D

  4. I love this thread! :wub:

    I met my husband at a job I got as a waitress at a small cafe in the town I live in. I had just got home from nannying in Las Vegas for a year...I was engaged to another guy who I had tried to maintain a long distance relationship with while I was gone. He was more of a friend than anything, and his controlling stepmother was driving me up a wall. (This guy proposed to me under the giant clown at the Circus Circus sign when he came down to visit me! LOL)

    Anyway...I got this job, and my first solo shift was with this good looking, 17 year old kid I had vaguely known from school: tall, long hair, an earring, and the most beautiful face I had ever seen in my life. He was so quiet, but so kind, and we were drawn together. We became good friends and nothing more (I was engaged, after all) and we spent long shifts together in this quiet cafe talking. I was smitten, but I remained steadfast in my engagement.

    After one night shift working the bar crowd until 3 a.m., he suggested my sister (who was hanging out with us) and I join him and his friend on an excursion out to go hunting, as it was officially opening morning for deer season. I literally raced out the back door to be the first at his truck so I could sit by him, and so I could beat my sister out to the seat. My sister had a propensity to chase the guys I really liked, so it was totally on purpose...she wasn't going to have this one!!! :lol: We drove out to a canyon and all sat in the truck until morning light came. He asked me to go sit up on a hill with him. We just sat down and a little buck came over the ridge. He shot him, and we drug him back to the truck. He called me his good luck charm.^_^

    A couple of days later, my fiance called me at work and I broke it off with him. He was in school about 12 hours away from me, and it broke his heart. :( I just couldn't do it anymore.

    After that, we went to a dance together, a few more outings, and it was just the most natural thing in the world. He proposed to me a couple months after we'd been seeing each other (much to the fear of my parents, LOL) It's now been 15 years that we've been together, 14 married, with two beautiful children. I've never loved someone so fiercely in my life, even if we haven't had the most perfect marriage and he has no interest in the church or God or anything. He is such a wonderful human being, and I hope one day we can be sealed together.

    Every time I hear this song, it makes me swoon for him all over again. I adore it.

  5. Aw, Bini...I'm sorry. I just have a nervous tic that makes me do silly things when someone mentions Twilight...I didn't mean to make light of your thread. :(

    I think a night out with the gals sounds like a load of fun...I don't know if I could sit through more than 4-5 hours worth of movies, though. Dinner and a movie sans hubby and kids would be faboo! Kind of jealous. :D

  6. nc,

    It's wonderful that your hubby is going to attend F & T meeting with you! I am so very happy for you.:)

    The very best thing for you to do, I believe, is when you bear your testimony, relax and let the Spirit guide you. Keep a prayer in your heart over the next couple of weeks that you will be able to express what he needs to hear, and that the Spirit will touch him. Trust the Lord, and He won't fail you--He got you to this point, yeah?^_^

    Luv to you, sister,


  7. Dear friends,

    I need help. I know I am not worthy, but I need your prayers. I have an anxiety disorder. I am so scared of everything--I am not brave. I'm a chicken. There is a wall of pride in front of me so thick I can't knock it down, but the mounting tide of hopelessness and despair is much more substantial. I feel like a failure, a nothing, a nobody. . .I am frustrated and confused, although I know that my Savior loves me, I can't get past the "what if's" and the "I can't deal with it, so I'll ignore it's" and I am stuck. I want to go back to the temple, butI have done things in my life that have the potential to alter my family life forever, although they need to be addressed (even though, I dare say, they aren't nearly as damaging as I'm imagining them to be.) I want so much to be the mother that mine was to me, and I am afraid that I won't have the opportunity, although I don't know that. I want an eternal family, but my spouse is not wanting the same lifestyle. I feel like I have wasted time and now that time is up. Fear is the most crippling, spirit-destroying thing in the world, and I am saturated in it. I have started going back to church, reading my scriptures and praying with my kids and trying to be that mom I want to be. The anxiety subsides, but it still nags and distracts. Yuck. This is absolutely no fun. My brain is going ten million miles an hour and I can't stop it. The dread is terrible.

    I'm sorry, guys. I just need a little outside help, if you would be so kind. To anyone else that needs prayers, I will pray for you with all my strength, as well.

    Love, your sister,


  8. I have always felt that most of the images put forth in Revelations were symbolic of things we won't completely understand right now. . . Hemi, the ideas expressed by Richard Draper are truly fascinating. You guys have been a great help. . .thank you so much. If there's anything else anyone would like to add, please do!:)

  9. As an engineer back in 2000, we were asked 10-great things that the US DoD could used by 2050.

    Out of the ten submitted, along with a paragraph explaining about our idea, that the grunt or soldier would have a implanted GPS/medical diagnostic/ Personal Record containing chip in his left wrist for the purpose to view the soldier whereabouts and medical information on the battlefield.

    Sad to say, possible working prototype maybe forth coming. Why? Another idea was a smart bullet for snipers to lock on an enemy target and him only. Call it a mini computerize Tomahawk missile. That is already in the works.

    Sorry, Hemidakota, I missed your reply when I did my last one. The ideas submitted that you mentioned would seem to have some serious implications, both for good and bad. Like I said to tomk, it can be frightening to watch the advancement of our technology at the lightning pace it is moving. But it is also strangely exciting, in a way.

    So, do you believe that "the mark" is some sort of device, like a chip imbedded in the skin?

  10. Remind your friend that Jesus saves and preserves all those who belong to him. We'll be all right, chip or no.

    Thank you, xhenli. That's pretty much what I've told him--as long as we remain vigilant and prepared for His coming, we have nothing to fear.^_^

    And no, tomk, you aren't a nerd. I think that the rapid advancement of technology, albeit a bit frightening sometimes, is quite fascinating to watch, let alone be a part of. :cool:

    I suppose I just get a bit frustrated when people let things like this frighten them to death. Maybe it's just my cavalier LDS attitude:D, and I've been content just to reflect on things as they happen and refrain from stressing out about it.

    What I'm confused by is this--are there going to be some sort of negative, eternal consequences for accepting, as it were, this "mark?" Would we really not be counted in the Book of Life, our salvations in peril? Gah. . .I'm just not smart enough for this.:confused: Anyone have a personal interpretation they'd like to share--aside from the "chip" idea?

  11. This is only my second post, and again I'm starting with, "I have this friend. . ." :D

    But I do. (Really, I have friends. lol) This friend of mine is flipping out right now over an e-mail he received about the "Mark of the Beast." The gist of it is that we will all soon have to have a chip imbedded in our skin with all of our personal information on it (I've heard this before) and that it's "coming sooner than we think! It's the mark of the beast! Beware--beware!"

    This friend of mine is not LDS--he actually leans toward a non-denom type of church, which is fine. We've actually had a conversation on the connotations of the prophesies in Revelations before--he came to me because "I knew the scriptures." Well, I try...I'm not that great.;) So, in the interest of keeping the dialogue between us alive, I'm trying to find some sort of idea what various people feel to be a correct interpretation of the mark, and what the implications of such a mark are. I've even looked up 4 different translations of the verse, and they seem to say the same thing.

    Any help would be appreciated!