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Posts posted by goofball

  1. You do realize by posting here you open yourself up to getting a house with a extra space for those on to crash at while visiting the big island.

    I know a few who lived on Oahu and some loved it others didn't. However different island so truthfully not much help. By the way I am jealous of such an opportunity.

  2. Going to the temple is like swimming. At first you are nervous, excited and have no real grasp of how things are done. Then as you swim more and more, i.e. go to the temple, you become more and more comfortable. You learn so much (a huge understatement) and get better and better. Soon it is something you love and want to do every single day. Just my 2 cents as I read the posts

  3. Rudy is the first movie that popped in my head but since it is YW you are working with then probably not. I just typed in PG movies to google and one of the first links is to a site with 470 pg movies. After a quick glance, I see some decent movies there.

    For music there is clean stuff out there it just takes some looking. Although I don't know if it is still the case, Walmart use to only sell CDs that were clean in language. For young people it means listening to the "trendy" stuff but without the language. However i do believe the Biblical swear words are fair game.

    I am sure someone will soon come on this board and tell you to teach them how to chose a clean life and then the other stuff will come naturally. i absolutely agree with that statement but find that many people just need a push in the right direction and that includes showing them where to find the good stuff. Best of luck with that and if you are in desperate need I can give you more names of what i enjoy.

  4. My feeling on this is that they will not send you home for something like that. What people often misunderstand is that the process of repentance is a loving action designed to bring people closer to Christ and our ultimate goal of returning Home.

    Having graduated from there I would be very surprised if they even considered sending you home. I have known of some there who had done things that they were not proud of, but were able to work closely with their BYU ward Bishop and continue in their education. I would encourage you to speak to your Bishop as soon as you can.

  5. Also interestingly enough this is not the first time a QB from the rivalry said they hated the other school. Alex Smith

    "I'm much more into it this year," Smith says. "I really hate them. Playing in the game helped me understand. They are the most arrogant people. It's the whole church and state thing. They're the 'good kids'. We're the 'bad kids.' I didn't feel it in my gut last year like I do now." Oh the irony!

    Smith pays the price for knowledge - College Football - ESPN

  6. "No one involved Whittingham's family in any way..." (from your link)

    Multiple newspapers, including the Church owned newspapers reported multiple accounts that the coaches wife was involved and suffered a split lip and pictures show a BYU fan latching onto her arm. I guess it depends on who you choose to believe.

    Interestingly enough that if she was involved how come she never filed a complaint or has talked more of it?

    "Jamie Whittingham did not file a complaint with BYU Police and a U. spokeswoman said Kyle Whittingham would not comment on the matter." from the article Deseret News | 2 citations issued at BYU-University of Utah football game

  7. You're right. It has not been confirmed and I am merely going my photograph's showing a BYU fan grabbing her and less violent people present trying to restrain him.

    See Unholy war rages on after final play

    as police confirmed Whittingham's wife was not involved or hit as previously reported. Amazing what can get in print without clarification.

    For a lighter side has anyone seen the videos of BYU and Hitler on youtube?

  8. I say get the following books out of the library, or buy them online:

    Jesus the Christ

    The Book of Mormon

    A Marvelous Work and a Wonder

    Also, there's a book called Gospel Principles, produced by the Church.

    For a short history of the Church, read Truth Restored.

    Those are all great books! They are part of my library. I am looking for more quick reads while I have five minutes here and there

  9. Alright- I just had a great, cheeky post and hit a button and now it is gone. So now you are left with my watered down, cliff note version.

    If you have a few minutes to kill, where, other than, do you go to learn more about LDS doctrine? I have plenty of books to read but am searching for more. What think ye?

  10. I agree with you on this one. I don't think that this is appropriate use of the missionaries time and is done without consent of those involved. Letters home are different as they are not available for anyone with an internet connection to view. The missionary may argue that they do this so friends and family can know what he/she is doing.

    However I would anticipate that the missionaries are doing this without consent of the Mission President. I just don't see this as something they would be allowed to do even on their p-day. However when I was in the mission field only snail mail was allowed so I cannot speak with any first hand knowledge of internet usage on the mission.

  11. I mean, I doubt any of the people listed above became convinced of the historicity of the Book of Mormon through their own studies. Chances are, they already believed from childhood that the Book of Mormon was "true", and spent their subsequent studies in adulthood in "proving" what they already believed in the first place.

    Why would you "doubt any of the people listed above became convinced of the historicity of the Book of Mormon through their own studies" Do you know them or their stories? How do you know they did not apply the same research into the Church as they did their secular research? You cannot say that but only project your own feelings about religion and science.

    That is the difference between religious apologetics and real, intellectually honest scholarship. These people began with their conclusion first (that the Book of Mormon is true) and then searched for evidence to support their conclusion, instead of taking the rational, scientific approach to first examine the evidence, and then draw your conclusions.

    For the scientific method you take a stand in your hypothesis long before you reach any conclusion. So it is absolutely correct for someone hypothesizing the Book of Mormon is true in the early part of their research before entering into the research phase. Surely you know this though about the scientific method or you would not have brought it up.

    There are good and bad reasons for believing anything. Evidence is the best reason for believing whether something is true. Authority and revelation are not good reasons for believing anything, as they are too unreliable.

    This is where you and I will disagree. I can think of no greater evidence for an individual than to receive personal revelation that something is true. Also there is no "scientific" evidence that resurrection is possible and it defies all known science. I and millions of others except this as fact even though "science" may never prove it possible in this lifetime

    Right, and we come to that kind of knowledge through observation and empirical evidence, not prayer. Prayer has no place in the sciences, really.

    Once again I strongly disagree with you. John A Widtsoe, a famous Mormon scientist, who graduated summa cum laude from Harvard in three years, came up with a formula while praying for an answer in the Logan Temple. Out of this came two books on agrarian chemistry (page 5 of The Temple Where Heaven Meets Earth by Truman Madsen) There are other examples that I can think of but cannot reference due to a new child proof lock I put on the bookcase that is keeping me out as well. I would recommend key to theology

  12. I will admit that i have not read in detail all the posts. I have scanned through them to see if it would change my rather sarcastic comment that is to follow:

    I remember reading about a time in history where "scholars" thought the world was flat and believed that you would fall of the edge of the world and die. SO much so that they persecuted anyone who though differently.

    The validity of the Book of Mormon can be made know to any man, woman or child who really wants to know. And what I love about that statement is that it is independent of level of education or "scholarly" knowledge. It requires sincere and honest prayer.

    To the original poster- I believe that you have been provided with sufficient names of scholars who believe in the Book of Mormon. Back to my original comment-Just because men here on earth study their whole and believe something does not mean it is not true. It often means that we do not know enough yet about that particular subject. Being a man of science and medicine we continually find things we thought were not true only years later to discover that it is indeed true.

  13. This talk had the same effect on me as a talk he gave at a young adults fireside back in...92-93 I think, titled Come Unto Christ. When I heard that talk, the spirit was with me more than ever before, and I have tried to not forget it. maybe someone can find the audio for that talk. I'd love to get the MP3 for it.

    The talk I know is called Come Unto Me and it was given by Elder Holland in 97. Come Unto Me - Jeffrey R. Holland is where the talk is and you can often find links to the audio. I remember that talk in 97 very well as it had the same affect on me as i was there

  14. In the OR yesterday I asked which of the doctors there would favor a public option. None of them did because they see it like Medicare and Medicaid which overall is a low payer. I know a number of them do not belong to the AMA due to reasons such as this. The only docs I know in favor of the reform is ER docs because many of them are on an "eat what you kill" (not literally of course). If everyone they saw had some level of insurance they would make more money. There is the big fear though that those near the "end stage" of life would be forgotten because they are the ones that cost the most.

    One doc, an anestheologist proceeded to bash polls because he said it is all about how you ask the question. You can get a favorable poll if you word your question right.

    Defensive medicine is an unfortunate side affect of so many lawyers suing everyone. Doctors CYA all the time now. Tort reform is huge and thankfully the President finally mentioned that need. We will see if any of that happens

    I wonder what the private insurance companies are going to do if there is a public option. Many business people I know say they would stop paying for private insurances for their employees if there was a public option.

    Bottom line the health care industry is a mess. I would be for little changes over time. Not one massive overhaul by a gov that is so confused and caught up in a power struggle. They have their own health care for crying out loud.

    And that is my rant!

  15. I finally disagree with something Bytor said.

    FSU can win all the games they want this season but one-The BYU game. Go Cougars!

    To bad because of Directv I will have to watch it somewhere other than my house

    Good games this week-end! I am BIG Seminole fan

  16. Unfortunately I have had to do research on this topic for myself due to a family situation. What I have found to be of most comfort is the fact that I, nor anyone around me, knew the person's state of mind when they actually committed suicide. Of what we do know, the person was clearly not in the "right state of mind"

    Ultimately it has come down to my faith. After my life was turned upside down I really questioned my faith, the Church, etc. It came down to one decision: Do I let this destroy my life and eternal salvation or do I move on and not let it destroy me. Thankfully I have managed to choose the latter.

    I found this while looking for an article and it seems to be a fairly extensive lists of articles considering how little is known/discussed. Hope it helps

    LDS resources on suicide

  17. I'm jealous of anyone who can get back that far. How can you get names without a census? How do you do it?

    Through old books from the ol' country. My dad knew a book dealer who would gladly track all the books he could for him. Once my dad gleaned the information, did the work, the records were then put online.